On June 23 Bob and Wini Blacklow celebrated the 100th anniversary of the building of their house on Munroe avenue. Melville Fuller, a New York investment banker, came with his family to East Chop in 1910. Toward the end of that initial visit, Fuller offered to build a summer cottage if his family would commit to five summers in the house. They came for forty-six summers before selling to Fred and Katherine Farnam in 1956.
The Blacklows bought the house from the Farnams in 1978, and have made no structural changes. It makes good sense. Mark Hutker, an Island architect, once visited with them, and told Wini that it was the best example of an early 1900s cottage bungalow that he had seen on the Vineyard.
Melville Fuller named the cottage Kemah, which is the Native American word for wind in your face. The afternoon of the celebration was hot and muggy, and Fuller would have been very proud. The breeze across the Blacklow’s porch was glorious.
The party was patterned after an early 20th century ice cream social and sing-along. Bob and Wini were dressed in period costumes as were many of the guests. Bob led the enthusiastic celebrants in singing old favorites such as After the Ball, On the Banks of the Wabash, Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis, and Shine on Harvest Moon. A great time was had by all.
As I stood there on that porch sipping ice tea and talking with friends, I wondered if Melville Fuller had played tennis at the ECTC 100 years ago. Lee Hunsaker and her hardworking committee have made great plans for the 100th anniversary of the opening of the tennis club. You won’t want to miss the two-day celebration on July 23 and 24.
On another note, I was privileged to talk with two East Chop authors this week. Rebecca Loescher of Winemack avenue has written a children’s book entitled No Turn for Tern! A Martha’s Vineyard Moonlight Mystery. The book is illustrated by Judith Pfeiffer, a year-round resident of Katama.
On the first day of the summer, the Tern, the book’s main character, announces that this is the night of a great Vineyard surprise. The animal characters in the book travel the Island in search of that surprise. Their travels take them to the East Chop Light, the Flying Horses, the jumping bridge on State Road, the Tisbury Fair, the bandstand at Ocean Park, and Illumination Night.
The book is beautifully written and illustrated for children three to 10. People interested can attend Becky’s book signing at Edgartown Books on July 4 at 3:30 p.m. The book is also sold in several Island stores.
Finally, Peter Demarest is returning to the Chop to visit Cyndee (his sister) and Bill Dennehy during the first week in July. Peter first came to East Chop with his family in 1958. He summered here for 20 years.
Recently Peter has written a book with Harvey Schoof titled Valuecentrics: The Heart and Science of Being Value-Centered. The book posits that life is about making good value judgments. The authors make the case that success and happiness are best achieved when humans approach life from a value-centered perspective. Readers interested in this timely subject can learn more about the book by going to heartleadpublishing.com.
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