Simba here, Simba there, Simba everywhere! How unusual and what a delight to be walking the neighborhood in my Old Country, or sitting on the front porch with Nonna Iole, and see the beautiful and gentle golden retriever Simba walk by with his support staff, White Plains residents Glen and Melody Hockley. Now I have the pleasure of seeing the marvelous Simba, on vacation in my neighborhood as a guest of Jim Hart, also walking the ’hood. Glen and Melody drove him to the ferry, of course. Glen is enjoying the Island and working on his paperwork; Melody, a third-grade teacher, has volunteered to help at Island Alpaca farm. She is preparing a unit for next semester’s students all about alpacas. Jim Hart has been happy to Simba-sit while Glen and Melody have had two date nights — both nights of lobster dinners! Welcome to the neighborhood!
While Paul and Marge Howes hosted yet another impromptu happy hour at their Lenny’s Loop home last evening, Bill and Jan Stokes brought over appetizers and Jim Hart cooked his famous clams casino. What a treat for me, almost took the edge off the dismal performance of our beloved Red Sox the last four games. I said “almost.” I do thank my neighbors for always including me in their cocktail and dinner plans. As you may recall, I am approaching a very important anniversary. My faithful readers remember that on August 6, 2009, I suffered third-degree burns to my left hand. I swore on that date never to cook again. I am pleased to say that with my neighbors’ help, I am quite sure I shall sail into my upcoming anniversary with nary a slip.
John and Jan Wightman are having an exhibit of John’s Island Images, beginning today at the Bank of Martha’s Vineyard, Chilmark branch. The opening reception is tomorrow, Saturday, July 10, from 5 to 8 p.m. and this is always one of the great annual parties, not to mention an opportunity to start your gift shopping early. Refreshments? As always. I’ll see you there.
The Mansion House hosts free exercise programs for all ages at 5:30 p.m. every Sunday in July; all ages are welcome. Pilates, Strength Training, and Hard Core are the titles. Hmm, I think I’m only fit for Soft Core. I’ll see you there.
On Tuesday, July 13, Kathy Forrester leads the young’uns in earth activities, stories and songs. Infants to two-year-olds are entertained, with a chaperone, please, at 10 a.m. at our Vineyard Haven Public Library. The three-to-five set are on for 11 a.m. Bring your visiting grandkids. On Wednesday, July 14 at 11 a.m. the Allreds provide singing and activities for all ages.
I’m sure you are all surfeit from last night’s Tisbury Street Fair. Same time, next year.
Our deepest sympathy goes out to the large Walsh, Little, Matos and Lombard family on the death last weekend of Jonathan Walsh, son of Bill and Debbie Little of Vineyard Haven and John Walsh of Natick. His grandparents, Joseph and Dorothy Matos, his brother and sisters, Bill Little Jr,, Alecia and Amanda Lombard, his sisters Jessica Walsh and Tessa Collier-Walsh, many many great friends from Wareham, Providence and the Island will never forget this handsome and talented young man. His services are in Wareham tomorrow; you may check in our newspaper and at the Chapman, Cole, Gleason site. May Jonathan rest in peace. He is in our hearts forever.
Anniversary bouquets go out to Steve and Judy Nichols today.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Matt Lobdell, Gloria Mendez, Nancy Hoffmann, Nathan Herrick, Richard Clark and Bruce Bailey today. Tomorrow is a party for Russell Burrows, Ketlyn Carolyn Alves and Orla O’Connor. July 11 shines on Mary Fuller, Dennis White, Denny Freitas and my personal favorite, Alden Besse. July 12 is for Veraniece Martins and Marfi Doyle Gagnon. July 13 is claimed by Nancy McPartlin Gardella, Jaron Schilling, Sally Dunkley, Thomasina Petrone, Nevenka Daniels, Karen Lobdell and Talula Goldberry Martin. And on July 14 Alanna Majors and Bob Wheeler take the cake. Many happy returns.
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