On an otherwise very quiet Monday afternoon, the horrific fire broke out at the U.S.C.G. Station Menemsha boathouse and was brought under control in well-orchestrated efforts by so many emergency personnel who demonstrated their professionalism throughout the hours that followed the outbreak of the fire. And now, the beautiful historic structure that has been present and significant on the Menemsha waterfront for decades and always a piece of history from my earliest memories has been totally destroyed. Thank you immensely to the coast guard, police, firefighters, EMTs, paramedics, harbor masters, many volunteers, the staff at Menemsha Texaco and the Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribe for all of their heroic efforts. We are all so grateful that there were no injuries, save for heat exhaustion. The boathouse, the piers and the adjacent bridge will be rebuilt. After all, Station Menemsha is vital to our survival on the Island and is an award-winning unit.
The Legend of Moshup will be held at 20 Black Brook Road on Saturday evening, July 17 at 8 p.m. Please bring a blanket to sit on. Tickets are $12 per person. For further information and tickets, please call the tribal office at 508-645-9265.
Today and tomorrow, the annual Zuni Fetish Show will be held at the Aquinnah Cultural Center on Aquinnah Circle from 11 to 4. A vast array of hand-carved fetishes in a variety of sizes will be available for your shopping pleasure.
The Portuguese-American Feast will be held this weekend at the Holy Ghost Society on Vineyard avenue in Oak Bluffs. The annual parade will be held on Sunday morning from the Steamship Authority pier in Oak Bluffs to the club on Vineyard avenue. Please attend and offer your support to this wonderful benevolent society that still believes in the kind acts of Queen Isabella and continually assists so many people across the Vineyard on a year-round basis and for the many scholarships they award to many students each year.
This weekend the Yard will present Bridgman/Packer Dance on Friday evening as part of the Festival Friday Nights with dessert and champagne at 8 p.m. and on Sunday, July 16 at 6 p.m. under the direction of director Wendy Taucher. On Saturday, July 17 at 5:30 p.m. enjoy an evening with famed dance photographer Lois Greenfield. Please call 508-645-9662 for reservations, tickets and information. The Yard is located on Middle Road in Chilmark.
On Sunday, July 18, the Shakti Project with Christina Montoya will be held at the Yard from 11 to 4 on Middle Road in Chilmark. This intensive exploration in dance movement, sound and transformation is for women. The workshop fee is $100.
Kate Taylor and her brother Livingston Taylor will perform on Saturday, July 17 at 8 p.m. at the Tabernacle in Oak Bluffs. Tickets are $20 and $35 and may be purchased at AboveGround Records, Bunch of Grapes Bookstore, and at Alley’s General Store.
On Friday evening, July 23, from 7 to 8 p.m. the story of Captain Levi Jackson and the heroic rescue of the 14 people from the Mertie B. Crowley which wrecked off Wasque on Jan. 23, 1910 will be told by Captain Jackson’s great-grandson, Herb Ward. The talk will take place at the parish house of the Federated Church at the corner of Cooke and South Summer streets in Edgartown. A suggested donation of $10 will go to help Island families in need.
Yoga immersion will be presented by Josh Montoya and Megan Grennan on Saturday, July 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Peacegate in Tisbury. Classes are $45 in advance, and $60 at the door.
The Town of Aquinnah will be holding a blood pressure clinic the first Wednesday of each month from 9 to 10 a.m. at the town hall.
Get well wishes to Forrest Alley, who underwent ophthalmic surgery this week and will be recuperating for a few days at home. His son Al has arrived to be with him during this recovery.
Get well wishes to Jim Boales, who is recuperating at home following his recent orthopedic surgery.
Garth and Ollie Edwards returned to their home in Essex, Conn., this past week. Soon after departure from their Abel’s Hill home, their osprey friends arrived to take up residence for the summer. These are the first osprey in their nest since that osprey pole was installed 15 years ago.
Jib Ellis arrived this week from Florida to visit with his many friends across the Vineyard. While here, Jib and his friends Marty Nadler and Don Widdiss have resurrected their book Sox, which by now is definitely a collector’s item and will be on sale at Made Here on the Vineyard in Nevin Square in Edgartown.
Condolences to the family and friends of Kathy Gillis, who passed away this week at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital after her long struggle with cancer.
Get well wishes to Carol Tankard Giosmas, who is recuperating from her recent surgery and arrived home this week.
Mrs. Ellen Harrison and her family have arrived for a visit at their Aquinnah home.
Betty Joslow and Molly enjoyed a recent visit from daughter Wendy. They await the arrival of Laurie and Nancy and many of her grandchildren who will be visiting throughout the summer.
Condolences to the family and friends of Madeline (Costa) Marden, who passed away this week in Falmouth. She was the wife of Willard Marden, Jr., sister of Irene Baugh, mother of Robert, Deborah, and Julie, and stepmother of Willy Marden III. Services will be held this morning at Oak Grove Cemetery in Tisbury.
All are welcome to a celebration of the life of Tom Osmers on Saturday, July 17, at the Agricultural Hall in West Tisbury. Please join friends and family for a gathering in memory of this Island fisherman, shellfish constable and beloved character. The memorial begins at 4 p.m. with a community potluck and music to follow.
Larry and Dee Mollin are at their Aquinnah home following a wonderful drive across Route 66 earlier this spring and visiting the beautiful historic sites along the way.
Paul and Genie O’Donnell at are their Aquinnah home for the season. Genie has enjoyed a visit from her brother this past week, Bob Howard of Windsor, Conn. Many of us fondly remember Bob’s daughter Caitlyn, who worked at the Cliffs during the summers.
Get well wishes to Dianne Powers, who is recuperating at her home following her recent surgery at Mass General Hospital. Cards would be welcome at this time during her recovery.
Robert Rosenberg and Mary Wolfson are at his home overlooking Menemsha Pond for the season. They patiently await the arrival of his brother Don.
Congratulations to Ryan Ruley of the Aquinnah Police Department upon his recent promotion to detective. Also, welcome to officer Michael Nardi, who is here for the summer from Connecticut. Officer Ryan Natachioni has returned for another summer in Aquinnah.
Kevin Sheehan and Jeffie Butler and their daughter Maeve returned to their home in Aspen this past week after a brief visit with parents and ever doting grandparents, Lenny and Mallory Butler and aunt Nina P. Butler.
Dr. Gerald Steinberg and his wife, Margaret, are at their Aquinnah home. Margaret is enjoying a visit from her sister Kate.
Tom and Jan (Haughton) Tracy have arrived from Florida and are at their Rockspring home.
Jesse Wiener, son of Carolyn Feltz and Jerry Wiener, spent the weekend with his parents. Jesse is now headed to Maine for the summer, where he will be working as a musical director. He will join his wife, Maggie who already has been working in Maine for the past few weeks.
Happy 53rd anniversary wishes to Bob and Connie Iadicicco, who will celebrate on July 20.
Happy birthday wishes this week to Beth Healy, who will observe a major milestone on July 16. Dr. Gerald Steinberg will celebrate on July 17. Fire chief David Norton parties on July 18 and shares the day with Connie Athearn Taylor and Jed Smith. Artist Wendy Weldon will celebrate on July 19 and shares the day with Juli Vanderhoop and James Glavin. Laurie Perry Henry and Susie (Lana) Shea will party on July 20. Raymond Dineen will be 16 years old on July 20. Charlene Alley will party on July 22: may she get a new pair of orange jelly sandals.
Oona Buresch Carroll will be four years old on July 22 and shares the day with her mother, Kendra Buresch. Sheila Jason will party on July 23.
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