Chilmark is in the midst of the usual busy July but everything stopped on Monday afternoon when an unfortunate fire destroyed the Coast Guard boathouse in Menemsha. Thanks to the amazing cooperation and coordination of all the Island emergency crews, the fire was contained to the boathouse and immediate docks. Although a number of boats were lost, the general feeling is that the efforts of all were successful and the buzz is of gratitude and not of loss. There were many individual stories of stress and success. Chilmark and the Menemsha Coast Guard station are extremely indebted to the amazing discipline and training of the volunteer fire departments across the Island that responded with all sorts of equipment and to the service personnel including state and town police forces. All did their jobs with skill and will be thanked, remembered and honored for their efforts for a long time.
Roads are open and parking is the same as always. The area affected by the fire is the dock leading to the fill-dock, so some fishermen are having to be inventive as to ways to reach their boats. Tourists and beachgoers will not be deterred by the aftermath of the fire.
Now might be a good time to remind you to mark your calendars for August 4, when the Chilmark Volunteer firefighters will host their annual Backyard Bash at the Community Center. There will be lots of food, music and fun for all and it will give us all a chance to say thank you to our valued firefighters. Activities begin about 4 p.m.
Congratulations to Megan Goulet and Bret Thompson who were married at sunset at Menemsha Beach on July 6. Megan is the daughter of Karen and Gary Goulet. She is a great-granddaughter of Rasmus Klimm, the first to live in the house that the extended family now shares in Menemsha. The bridegroom’s parents are Cliff and Roberta Thompson of Manchester, Conn. Cheers from us all!
Dave and Catha Carlson spent some time at their Peaked Hill home this month with their sons, Luke and Scott. Their daughter, Jessica, is traveling in Peru before beginning her studies at Milton Academy in the fall.
Guy Webster is in from Los Angeles for a July vacation at his Menemsha home. He can be spotted around town riding his scooter.
John Jacobs is back at his Menemsha home enjoying the company of his daughter in law, Cindy, with children, Sophie and Cody. Marilyn Newsom of Boulder is also visiting.
There are many activities happening in Chilmark as well as across the Island. Best to check your newspaper listings for details but allow me to remind you of some of the events upcoming this weekend and week to come.
The Yard has programs of dance and more scheduled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Please see the Vineyard Living A-section of this Gazette and call them for details. The number is 508-645-9662.
The Chilmark Community Center has lots going on for all ages. Next Thursday evening Nell Irvin Painter will discuss her new book, The History of White People. The program begins at 8 p.m. at the center.
There will be a celebration of the life of well-loved and remembered Island fisherman Tom Osmers, at the Agricultural Hall in West Tisbury on Saturday, July 17 at 4 p.m. with a community potluck supper and music.
The Chilmark Library will welcome Steven Raichlen on Wednesday, July 21, at 5:30 p.m. He will discuss his new book, Planet Barbeque. Mr. Raichlen is a well-known host of PBS cooking shows and has written many cookbooks.
The Friends of the Chilmark Library invite us all to attend a dedication of a tree in loving memory of longtime trustee Jackie Sexton, on July 22 at 5 p.m.
Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club members are reminded that the July meeting will be on the 20th at 1 p.m. at the Old Mill in West Tisbury. Paul Mahoney, owner of the Mahoney Garden Center, will discuss hydrangeas.
Herb Ward, great-grandson of Levi Jackson, will retell the story of the successful rescue of the folks off the Mertie B. Crowley in 1910. The talk will be at the Federated Church parish house in Edgartown. Levi Jackson was one of the heroes of the successful rescue and it is of interest to us because one of those rescued was captain William Haskell, great-grandfather of Chilmark seasonal resident Robert Haskell. The program begins at 7 p.m.
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