Today is an important anniversary in my life. It is exactly one year since I got third degree burns on my hand (cooking for the dogs) after which I took a vow never to cook again. I am pleased to say, unlike my New Year’s resolutions, I have kept this vow. I could not have done it without the help of all my neighbors and friends who are so kind to feed and entertain me. You know who you are. In fact, the year has worked out so well, I am renewing my vow.
Thanks to all who sent cards, flowers, e-mails, called and wished me a happy birthday. Special thanks go to my friends Renae Brown and Joe Cormier. With their daughters, Cheyenne and Monique, they gave me a wonderful party, and even invited my dogs! My dogs have never before been invited to a birthday party. Ana Cecilio made a most beautiful and delicious cake. Same time, next year.
Speaking of birthdays, Beverley Ann Brush is celebrating her 80th today. You all remember Beverley’s dad, Dr. Brush, who was our famous Island dentist for so many years. Beverley will party today and has planned a bike ride out of Katama for Sunday. What a woman!
What a treat to get my coffee at Cumby’s today and find Fred and Jill LaPiana’s daughter, Sarah, husband Ryan, and new baby Noah, visiting from Virginia. Noah slept through all the noise and commotion and his Island admirers. The family will be here for the next week; get down to Cumby’s and take a peek.
Louisa Gould has lots in store for you. Tomorrow night at her gallery on Main street, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., there is an opening reception for Ellen Liman’s oils, John Halladay’s oils and watercolors, James Murray’s sculptures, and Sherry Blalock’s oils. There will be live music and refreshments. I’ll see you there.
On Monday, August 9, Louisa’s MV Workshops presents Painting with Anne Grandin from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Students meet at the West Chop Club. The cost is $125. As you know, Anne is not only famous for her Red Sox series, but was one of the prime designers behind our mural at Stop & Shop. Bring your oils, pastels, sketching tools, and if the weather is good, you will be working at scenic outdoor spots.
Free workouts continue on Sundays at 5:30 p.m. at the Mansion House.
Lester Baptiste is always working hard on something. His latest project is to help present This Is Our Island, a historic Martha’s Vineyard film narrated by Katharine Cornell. Lester says you can see soldiers marching on our Main streets, off to the Civil War. Catch this piece of history August 10 at 7 p.m. on MVTV.
A generous donation from the Anderson Foundation to the Friends of the Vineyard Haven Library makes possible Diane Edgecomb’s earth stories on Thursday, August 12 at 3:30 p.m. Children ages five and up are welcome.
The Island clerk of courts and magistrate for Dukes County, Joseph Sollitto Jr., will join a panel with Norman A. Stahl, senior federal judge, and retired justice of the supreme court of Texas, Robert Gammage. The title of the talk is Political Challenges Influencing Those Who Serve on the Bench. Doug Cabral will moderate on Wednesday, August 11 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Old Whaling Church. A donation of $25 is suggested.
Anniversary bouquets go out to Ken and Mildred Davis Brown today. David and Lisa Gardella celebrate their first year of wedded bliss on August 8. I was supposed to be at that wedding. Third degree burns prevented my arrival, but I hear the wedding was great.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Beverley Ann Brush, Angelo Stoudemire, Virginia Jannace Malara, Ashleigh Poirier, and Janete Sabin today. Tomorrow is a party for Arlinda Graves, Travis Baptiste, Leslie Hunter, Sandie Corr-Dolby, and Luisa Tassiana. August 8 shines on Milly Berman, Jon McIntosh and Danae Finley. August 9 is for Sal Alfano, Vitor Mouzinho, and Riley Chalifoux. August 10 is claimed by Jennifer Benson. And on August 12 Emma Keppeler, Karen Kassius, and Sharon Robinson take the cake. Many happy returns.
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