

The weekend weather was just delightful. The beaches were pleasantly full and many cookouts were held as it was pleasant to sit outside. The school playing field was busy as a beehive on Sunday. If you had guests coming to the Vineyard on Sunday, and there were plenty of them, they may have experienced passenger cutoffs in Woods Hole, as that happened on several ferries. July was really warm and beautiful, and we hope it is the same this month. Although we do need some rain, we hope it will fall in the evening and soak in the parched ground by morning.

There are big doings at the Barron household this week. Fred and Jeanne proudly welcomed their five-month-old grandson, Henry S. Katz, from Orange County on his very first Vineyard visit. His parents are Julia Colby Barron and David Katz. They were accompanied by their dog, Tallie. The Barrons are so excited to have them here. Welcome Henry!

Bob and Diantha Eisendrath of Middle Road report that her sister Missie and her husband, Dave Schroder, of Bedford, N.H., were here last weekend. They entertained Jo and Frances Chinard, of Montclair, N.J., who have arrived to spend the month at their house, Deena and Harvey Mazer, of Belmont, and Bob and Maggie Schwartz of Music street.

Last Saturday Brad Voigt and Bill Burton of Lambert’s Cove hosted 24 members of their family for a summer celebration of significant birthdays occurring this year: their father Bud turned 85, their sister Cindy 55, Bill 60, and Brad and his twin brother, Greg, 50. They also unearthed a time capsule buried at their home in Longview, Lambert’s Cove, in 1999, at the turn of the millennium.

The Van Raan family, parents, children and grandchildren, gathered in a healing circle to say goodbye to their beloved dog Lulu, who died peacefully in the backyard on Monday. She was attended to by Dr. Michelle Jasny. Lulu was the funny-looking little dachshund-cocker spaniel mix who won the blue ribbon for mixed breed at the Agricultural Fair. Lulu rode a boogey board at the Sepiessa cut, played backyard soccer with her dachshund nose, and at Christmas time wore a reindeer outfit. She lived a full, long life. Sig says she was much loved and provided the family with many happy and funny memories; she will be missed.

Sig’s daughter and granddaughters are visiting from Santa Fe, N.M. His wife, Susan, flew down to New York on Wednesday to visit her mom and reconnect with her niece and family visiting from Scotland. This past weekend Jackson was surprised with a visit from friends he made on his trip to Peru. Sam and Anna, a young couple who have been traveling around the world, stopped by for a few days and they got the full monty: an evening in Oak Bluffs, an afternoon at the beach at Sepiessa and a Sunday morning Chilmark softball game.

Barbara and Bill Bennett of Lambert’s Cove and their family will be welcoming their longtime friends Sheila and Marv Negrin of Simbsbury, Conn., to the Vineyard on Sunday. The Negrins begin a week’s stay here and will be joined by their adult children and grandchildren from Old Greenwich, Conn., and Chestnut Hill. Barbara and Bill and Sheila and Marv began their friendship 45 years ago when they were next-door neighbors in Riverdale, N.Y. They plan to have a wonderful reunion of three generations!

Jill Carlton and her husband, Pete Karman, are entertaining longtime friends Peter and Rosella Matt, of New York city, at Jill’s house on State Road. This is an auspicious summer for the Carlton-Karman family. It’s been six decades since the late Carl and Florence Carlton bought their home from the Giffords back in 1950. Today the house is enjoyed by Jill, Pete and their son, Alex, who is a master gardener and vegetable grower. At derby time, Jill’s brother, Dr. Bruce Carlton, flies in from California in quest of striped bass.

Jim Powell reports that his mother, Rosalie, has just returned from Nichols College in Dudley. She taught a course in hooked rugs at the McGown Teachers Workshop. Also Shannon and Daniel Larsen Jr. announced the birth of a daughter, Isabella Rosalie, last Saturday.

Barbara Day, of Willow Tree Hollow, reports that their granddaughter, Lucy Tower Churchill — her parents are Elizabeth and John Churchill of Los Angeles, Calif. — will be baptized by her grandfather and patriarch of the Day clan on Sunday at Grace Church in Vineyard Haven.

Carol Craven’s son, Michael Boardman, and his wife, Kate Tabner, from Minnesota and their children, Samantha, Nicholas and Walker, are visiting her at her Music street home. They will be here for a week and then go to Lake George for the rest of their vacation.

Barbara de Braganca, of Old County Road, reports that last week an event was held at Windyhill in loving memory of her mother, Bunny Foote Fales. She organized the first annual Bunny Classic, and tennis friends and family over 20 strong came to play in a ladies’ doubles round robin and share in a potluck luncheon following the games. Also on display was the silver cup won by Bunny in 1934 for girl’s singles at the Edgartown Yacht Club and a wonderful photo of her from the same era, taken at the family court.

Colleen Morris is very busy these warm summer days over at the library, organizing events and baking refreshments. Professor Frederick Hatfield Clark Hotchkiss from the Marine and Paleobiogical Research Institute will lecture on the horseshoe crab on Tuesday at 5 p.m. There will be a public forum on August 16 to discuss the future of the library at 4 p.m. Jules Feiffer will be talking about his new book, Backing into Forward, and signing copies on August 20 at 5 p.m., and the long goodbye to summer poetry series runs from August 23 to 27.

Lee Revere reports that the 53rd annual library book sale made a record $23,440! She would like to thank all the book donors who gave them something to sell and the incredible volunteers who sorted and displayed the books so well. On the free day, they had a good crowd who donated cash generously.

The 149th annual Agricultural Fair begins in just 13 days, starting on Thursday, August 19 and runs until Sunday evening. The theme of the fair this year is Kiddin around at the Fair. Fair books are available at the Agricultural Hall on Panhandle Road, which has been open since Monday. Eleanor Neubert, fair manager, wants to remind each exhibitor of the policy regarding entry forms: All entry forms must be turned in to the staff by Monday, August 16, at 5 p.m. This policy has increased efficiency and eliminated the long lines of people waiting on Wednesday afternoon. At the 10th annual Fiber Tent exhibition there will be spinners, weavers, knitters and an assortment of animals. The fair book gives a complete schedule of events, plus details on all the categories and the necessary forms.

The Vineyard Transit Authority will again extend bus service to the fair, possibly the most economical and efficient way for you to get there. A complete bus schedule will be posted on the front porch of the hall, or call the VTA at 508-693-9440.

George Hartman, of Panhandle Road, proudly reports that last night he and his wife, Andrea, celebrated their 21st wedding anniversary on the shore of Ames Pond at Cedar Tree Neck, the spot where they were married. George returned home last weekend after attending an antique engine show in Eliot, Maine. There was a reproduction of a 1832 walking beam steam engine that caught his eye he reports; however Jay Leno owns the real McCoy. George traveled over to Friendship, Maine to visit Dan and Kyra West. He restored a steam engine for some friends that last ran in the 30s.

Town clerk Tara Whiting wants to remind all potential voters in the state primary on Sept. 14. The last day to register to vote is Wednesday, August 25. There are three political parties, Democratic, Republican and Libertarian, on the ballot. If you are “unenrolled” in any party you have a choice to vote for someone in those parties. The primary is only for registered voters. If you are unsure of your political designation, please feel free to contact her in the town clerk’s office, 508-696-0148, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Senior deacon John Kelleher, of South Vine, reports that the Congregational Church’s popular Ice Cream Festival will be held tomorrow on the church lawn from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. It’s a wonderful way for people to enjoy what he calls the town’s best ice cream. The funds raised will go to support the church and the wonderful work they do in the Island community.

Back by popular demand next Friday night from 7 to 8 p.m. in the parish house of the Federated Church, Herb Ward, great-grandson of Captain Levi Jackson, will again recount the story From Wreck to Rescue: The Story of Captain Levi Jackson and the Mertie B. Crowley, about the brave fishermen who risked their lives to save 14 souls and received Carnegie Medals for their bravery and heroism. For more information, call Herb at 508-693-7683. To reserve a spot, please call church secretary Mary-Jean Miner at 508-627-4421.

Nancy Jephcote reports that the Flying Elbows will launch their first CD at a concert on Sunday night at the Grange Hall. She is hoping some of you will chip in and bring a potluck style dinner and a birthday cake or cupcakes for Tom, Kansas and Matt, band members.

Colleen Garrett reports that on Sunday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Anchors down by Memorial Wharf in Edgartown, the Rotary Club will hold a pancake breakfast. The cost is $8, or $4 for children. It is an all you can eat breakfast of pancakes, orange juice, milk, coffee, bacon and sausage.

Happy birthday to: Patricia Cliggott, Mary Donlavey, Donna Diaz and Colleen Barnett today; Warren Morse, Martha Moore, Danguole Gabis and Alice Hopkins tomorrow; Debbie Brew, Keston Smith, Tom Hodgson and Helen Brown on Sunday; Claire Gray, Kim O’Connor and Robyn Hanover on Monday; Jim Pritchard, Erik Lowe, and Matthew Bradley on Tuesday; Rosemary Bechtold, Linda Carroll, Diana Waring and J C Murphy on Wednesday; Susan Fieldsmith, Joe Schroeder and Sam Stevenson on Thursday. Belated birthday greetings to Goodie Stiller and Diane Abbot, and anniversary wishes to Ed and Holly Eger. Wedding anniversary wishes to Rosemary and Nick Van Nes on Tuesday. Jon and Genevieve Randall celebrate their 22st on Sunday.

Well, that is all of the news for this week’s column. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a good week.