Learn the art of traditional wampum making at the demonstration that will be presented today at the Aquinnah Cultural Center from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Darius Coombs, Aquinnah/Mashpee Wampanoag, will demonstrate his skills in the old style of the 17th century without the use of drills and dremels but instead with the use of a pump drill and sandstone grinders. Tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Aquinnah Cultural Center, Janette Vanderhoop will demonstrate horseshoe crab basket-making. Watch while Janette demonstrates the art of using horseshoe crabs, while discussing the history of their use.
On Tuesday, August 31, the Aquinnah Public Library will present prehistorian Duncan Caldwell, of Aquinnah and Paris, with his discussion on Mother Caves: The Implications of a Paleolithic Frieze. The presentation will be at the Aquinnah town hall with lemonade and refreshments to follow. It begins at 5 p.m.
Mark your calendars for the following events at the Aquinnah Public Library: Sept. 11 will feature Swarthmore literature professor Philip Weinstein on William Faulkner’s life. Phil is an Aquinnah summer resident, soon to be year-round. On Sept. 14 your Aquinnah columnist, genealogist and historian will speak on the history of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) from 1870 to the present. Learn interesting dates in the history of our community. On Sept. 21 Vineyard author Susan Klein and photographer Alan Brigish will discuss their new book: Martha’s Vineyard Now and Zen, which is a fascinating chronicle of the cultural communities on the Vineyard over the past 30 years.
The Martha’s Vineyard Museum will present archaeology I.D. day at the museum library on Saturday, August 28. Meet with distinguished experts Jill Bouck, Dick Burt, Duncan Caldwell, Bill Moody and Jim Richardson to learn more about your archaeological treasures from around the world. The event is free for museum members and $7 for nonmembers.
Scott Blakeman, a top political comedian in New York, will present a show on Saturday evening from 8 to 9:30 p.m. at the Grange in West Tisbury. Tickets are $20.
The Martha’s Vineyard Chapter of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists will present Jeffrey Carpenter at their meeting on Sept. 8. Jeff will present his findings from various DNA companies and the results of their studies. The presentation will be at 7 p.m. at the Family History Center in Vineyard Haven. Members and guests are invited to attend. Seating is limited.
Cynthia (Vanderhoop) Akins and her daughter, Thea Akins, have arrived for their annual August visit at their Aquinnah home and a visit with family and friends.
Samuel Vanderhoop Lee has returned to his sophomore year studies at Yale University. Sam spent most of his summer as an intern with the Harvard Medical School program that offers a three-week summer session for tribal students. As one of the former Harvard summer students while still at Newton South High School, Sam realized he wanted to be more involved and thus spent the summer assisting Dr. Furshpan, Dr. Potter and Dr. King. He was also delighted to enjoy a few visits to his Aquinnah family home with his friend Chloe Millman of Newton.
U.S. Navy Rear Adm. Ron MacLaren and his wife, Terrie, have arrived for an August visit with friends across the Vineyard. They are enjoying their new home in Virginia but certainly miss the Vineyard. Terrie will stay until October while Ron is traveling around the globe for his assignments.
Thank you to Hannah L. Malkin for sharing her swimming pool with the children of Aquinnah once again this summer season. On Tuesday afternoons, the children of the Summer Turtle Program and the Aquinnah Community Programs Committee Program learned to swim. Mrs. Malkin has been very generous in her sharing of the pool with the children but it is the adult time shared around the pool that quite a few of us enjoy the most during the remainder of the week.
My four-year-old grandson, Noah James Manning, was thrilled this week to receive three ribbons from the fair. He received a gold ribbon for entering his submissions to the fair, a red ribbon for his lemon and blueberry scones, and a green ribbon for his red tomatoes. This was his first time to enter the fair and we anticipate many more. Noah also enjoyed receiving his $4 check for his red ribbon prize. This week he is enjoying the wonders at Felix Neck camp.
Matthew Scott, son of Frank and Linda (Garvin) Scott, has returned to Dartmouth College for his senior year studies after working as a counselor at the Tribal Turtle Program for the summer. Matthew, the first and only recipient at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School of the prestigious Bill and Melinda Gates Scholarship, will be majoring in psychology and has his sights on graduate school already. His brother, Samuel Scott, will be returning to Nichols College for his sophomore year studies. Their sister, Naomi Scott, will be a freshman at Dartmouth College. That is quite an empty nest for Frank and Linda.
Thursday was Women’s Equality Day and for those of you who missed it, thank you to Robert and Marjory Potts for sharing their documentary film on the life and times of Frances Perkins. Frances was definitely a feminist before her time serving as Secretary of Labor under the administration of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Hannah Malkin and I enjoyed the film at the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center this past week. It is a film that should be shown to every high school student in America. Perhaps Robert and Marjory will share their film with audiences throughout the winter.
Evelyn Churchill Vanderhoop Wylie, her daughter, Carrie Anne Vanderhoop Bellis, and granddaughter, Rosalie Delores Vanderhoop Bellis, returned to their homes in Masset, B.C., on Tuesday after spending the past two weeks visiting family and friends.
Happy anniversary wishes to Peter and Teresa Temple, who celebrated their special day on August 22. Happy 24th anniversary wishes to Robert and Judy (Lana) Peterson, who observed their special day on August 23. Happy 50th anniversary wishes to Gary and Elaine Zwicky as they observe their special day on August 28. Happy 26th anniversary wishes to Stephen and Trudy (Vanderhoop) Garvin on August 31.
Belated happy birthday wishes to Seth Woods as he celebrated his special day on August 23.
Happy birthday wishes this week to Kathy Vanderhoop on August 28. Oliver Noble and Dawn Widdiss share the day on August 29. Rev. David Cockcroft will celebrate on August 30 while winding down his annual August Aquinnah holiday. Troy Vanderhoop, Daniel Spitz-Lee and Christina Marie Millman all share the day on August 30. Todd Vanderhoop and Cynthia (Vanderhoop) Akins will party on August 31.
Happy birthday wishes this week to some of my very special friends. Garth Williams Edwards enjoyed his 95th birthday celebration on Wednesday evening at his Abel’s Hill home while surrounded by family and friends. Beatrice (Vanderhoop) Gentry will observe her 100th birthday on August 31 with a celebration on Saturday afternoon at the tribal building. Alice (Martin) Rose will observe her 100th birthday on Sunday afternoon amid family and friends in her garden. They each will have family and friends from across the country joining them in their celebrations. I treasure my friendship with all of these wisdom keepers; they are all unique in their own incredible way.
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