Welcome to September, as we sit here indulging in the eerie calm before the storm. Let us simply pray that Hurricane Earl really goes out to sea and does not pay us a late summer visit.
A workshop today at the Aquinnah Cultural Center from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., will be a demonstration of traditional Wampanoag decorative designs. Learn how to paint on deerskin clothing and regalia. On Saturday, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. there will be a weaving demonstration with plant fibers into bags, baskets, sashes and legging ties.
The sixth annual Aquinnah Wampanoag Powwow, Giving Thanks for All Things, will be held at the Circle on Sept. 11 and 12. The gates open at 11 a.m. Grand entry will be at noon. There will be a 50/50 raffle and a Spot Dance contest. Tickets are $10 for adults or $15 for two days. Children ages five to 18 and elders aged 65 and above will be $5 or $7.50 for both days. Children under five are admitted free.
The powwow is funded by the National Park Service, Department of Justice, Indian Health Services, Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Interior in conjunction with the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) and the tribal historic office/cultural resources, human services, education, health, natural resources and planning departments. Absolutely no drugs, alcohol, fires, coolers or pets are allowed.
The Skating School of Martha’s Vineyard will present an end-of-summer exhibition at the Martha’s Vineyard Arena on Saturday evening from 6 to 7:30 p.m. for your viewing enjoyment.
Ben Taylor and John Forte will perform tonight at Nectar’s with showtime at 9 p.m. Proceeds will benefit Martha’s Vineyard Helping Homeless Animals as well as a mission in Jamaica, Rockhouse Foundation, to rebuild schools and libraries.
The new Oak Bluffs Fire Museum will have an open house on Saturday, Sept. 4 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Wing Road station. I am delighted to see they will have a museum for their artifacts.
The schools on Martha’s Vineyard will open for the year on Tuesday, Sept. 7 — please be cautious of exuberant children on the roadsides and the increase in traffic in and around the schools.
Tom Dunlop will speak about his new book, Schooner: Building a Wooden Boat, on Martha’s Vineyard, at the Chilmark Library on Wednesday, Sept. 8 at 5:30 p.m.
The Martha’s Vineyard Film Society will be hosting the International Film Festival Sept. 9 through 12. For information, go to mvfilmsociety.com.
Aquinnah author Philip Weinstein will give his talk on William Faulkner on Saturday, Sept. 11 from 5 to 6 p.m. at the Aquinnah town hall. Refreshments will be served.
Mark your calendars for the Martha’s Vineyard yoga festival at the Beach Plum Inn with classes, demonstrations, massages and workshops. The fun begins on Sept. 13 at 7 a.m. and will continue through Sept. 17. For information, please call the inn at 508-645-9454.
The state primary will be held on Sept. 14 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. In Aquinnah, we will be at the town hall as always. If you are not going to be in Aquinnah on that day, please stop by the town hall and speak with town clerk Carolyn Feltz to obtain your absentee ballot or call 508-645-2304.
The Aquinnah housing committee has been working diligently to find affordable housing lots for those who qualify. At the present time, applications are ready for those interested in participating in the lottery to be held in late December for the 20 State Road parcel recently sold to the town of Aquinnah by June C.D. Noble for a working family of Aquinnah. If you are interested, please stop by the Aquinnah town hall and speak with Carolyn Feltz for an application.
Free exercise classes will continue at the Mansion House on Sunday evenings at 5 p.m. through the autumn months.
Sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Ann Coleman Allen who died this week following a brief illness. Ann was a wonderful source of Martha’s Vineyard history, teaching hundreds about the past four centuries of Island life. She was responsible for initiating the Community History Program at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School assisting students with their research projects and the presentation thereof to a team of judges. Her knowledge was vast and covered every culture and corner of the Vineyard. She will be missed immensely for her many untold stories.
Congratulations to Kendra Buresch and Chris Carroll on the birth of their daughter, Emme Caroline Buresch Carroll, on Sept. 1 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Emme joins her four-year-old sister Oona and is welcomed home by her grandparents, Emmett and Kathie Carroll, David and Kathleen Buresch, great-grandmother, Bette Mayhew (Flanders) Carroll, and her extended family.
Condolences to the family and friends of Erick Clements, son of Albert R. Clements Jr. and Vera Jean (Jernegan) who died this week at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Janet Foley returned to her home in Nahant on Saturday evening after attending the party for Beatrice Gentry. Janet, former finance director for the tribe, enjoyed seeing her many Aquinnah friends and we delighted in seeing her once again.
Beatrice (Vanderhoop) Gentry was honored on her 100th birthday on Saturday with family and friends from far and wide. There were two cakes for her celebration, one in metallic gold with 100 on the top. Bea and her family thanked their family and friends for their many great deeds and their acts of kindness to Bea and her family over most of the past century. It was a wonderful day for all.
Sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Arthur W. Lopes, Jr. who died on Friday at his home in Paducah, Ky. He had a wonderful sense of humor, was always ready with a joke and a big smile to accompany the joke. Arthur and his wife, Helga, resided in Aquinnah while working at the Broken Arrow and for the Aquinnah Tribe, following his 26-year career with the U.S. Army. They moved to Paducah nearly 20 years ago to be closer to members of his family. Arthur was a descendant of the Manning and Vanderhoop families of Aquinnah. He is survived by his wife, Helga, his children Carla, Heidi, Barry of Oak Bluffs, Daryl, Renee, David, and Peter and their families. Arthur is also survived by his brothers, Bradford and his wife Carole of Westport, and Ronald and his wife Marlena of Ponce de Leon, Fla. He is also survived by grandchildren and great-grandchildren and his extended family.
Mark Lovewell had the honor of meeting President Obama during one of his golf matches on the Vineyard. He certainly captured the vacation spirit of the President and the front-page photograph was grand.
Paul and Genie O’Donnell of Attaquin Way have been enjoying visits from their children and grandchildren this August. First, Heather O’Donnell and her husband, Oliver Schneller, of Berlin, Germany, arrived for a long weekend. Delighting in gluten-free pizza at Flatbread, lobster and mussels at Larsen’s, and Chilmark Chocolates was a real treat for them. Their one afternoon at Lobsterville Beach was caught up with trying to “rescue” the O’Donnell’s visiting golden retriever Maka Maka. The pet had jumped in the water to swim after a cormorant and disappeared.
Visions of him swept up on the beach of one of the Elizabeth Islands were going through their heads, Genie’s especially, as her son and granddaughters were soon coming to join their dog for an Island vacation.
After a very long 90 minutes or so of much concern and anxiety, Heather and Oliver’s long swim in pursuit, communication with the police, searching up and down along the beach and on and on, Oliver discovered Maka on the terrace of a home way up Lighthouse Road.
Two days later, the owners of Maka, Durelle Scott along with his daughters Beatrice and Nola, arrived with Jen Pollard — all of Blacksburg, Va. Thankfully, Maka was mostly recovered by then. Many beautiful summer days were spent at Philbin Beach. The family’s annual hike from Moshup Beach to the bike ferry was a hit. Peaked Hill, the highest point on the Island, was the setting on August 3 for Durelle’s surprise proposal to Jen. Following Jen’s acceptance, the couple celebrated with an excellent striped bass dinner at the Chilmark Tavern. The following evening, Nola Scott enthusiastically planned and served an exceptional surprise engagement party on the O’Donnell’s balcony. Beatrice, meanwhile, served as the photographer of the event. Currently, Mark O’Donnell, his wife Cheryl and children Rory, Liam, and Deirdre are enjoying being on the Island. They have been present at some of summers biggest attractions — Illumination Night, Oak Bluffs fireworks, and of course, the Ag Fair. Swimming at Lobsterville Beach was loved by all.
Aquinnah artist Gloria Scher will have an artist’s reception at the opening of her show at Louisa Gould Gallery on Saturday, Sept. 4 from 5 to 7 p.m. Gloria’s show will run through most of September, so please stop by and enjoy her beautiful art work.
Many of us were excited to see Charles W. Vanderhoop 3rd in Aquinnah over the weekend. He is still residing in Manhattan and is as busy as ever.
Happy 25th anniversary wishes to Arthur and Julie (Morrow) Brennan on Sept. 3.
Happy ninth anniversary wishes to Rick and Michelle Duarte on Sept. 8.
Hope everyone wished Edward BenDavid Sr. a happy birthday on Sept. 2. (Somewhere in my archives I still have wonderful photographs from Ed’s 50th party).
As you do your shopping at Reliable Market today, please wish Bob Pacheco a very happy birthday and thank him for his many contributions to our Vineyard community.
Emerson Mahoney will be 13 on Sept. 4 and shares the day with Paula Belain. Happy birthday wishes this week to Diane Jetmund on Sept. 5. Michael Ciancio and Sharon Franklyn share the day on Sept. 6.
Very special happy birthday wishes to Paul G. Manning as he celebrates his special day on Sept. 7.
Jeffrey Kurth Sr. and Danny Mayhew share the day on Sept. 8 as they have for decades. Matthew Vanderhoop and Tyler Vanderhoop will party on Sept. 9 and Matthew C. Seeman will party on Sept. 10.
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