As the Oct. 5 deadline for a state grant from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners looms closer, the Edgartown Library Foundation is continuing full-speed ahead in their fund-raising efforts for a library expansion project. On Monday, the foundation will hold its second annual Frankly, We Love Our Library event at the Right Fork Diner of the Katama Airfield.
The event title hints at the cookout fare that will be available during the fundraiser. Namely, frankfurters. Guests also can enjoy hamburgers and baked beans, with build-your-own ice cream sundaes for dessert, all to a backdrop of music provided by the Flying Elbows fiddle band.
Meanwhile the library building design committee, whose members were appointed in April to outline a new building plan for the expansion project after the original was scuttled due to cost before town meeting, also has been hard at work this summer weighing options for the location of the new library.
“We’re looking at both the existing site, and also the old [Edgartown] school as a potential site,” said committee member Chris Scott, in an interview with the Gazette late last month. But there’s still some time before the committee members are required to make a recommendation. “We don’t have to have a recommendation for the October submission ... But we do need to know by January what our recommendation is,” he said. The October date marks the deadline for a letter of intent to apply for the state grant. The formal application is due at the beginning of next year. “It’s a tight schedule but it’s achievable,” Mr. Scott said.
The library presently is located in the historic Carnegie building on North Water street. As part of the tabled expansion project, town voters approved the $3.5 purchase of the adjacent Captain Warren House, to be used as a library annex. But now that the library is pursuing a new round of grant funding, the state requires that the library committee explore alternative sites.
Mr. Scott said that both buildings would have to undergo engineering studies to make sure they’re up to code. And it’s unlikely that they are. “When you build a library today, you have to meet standards that weren’t in place when the old school and the Carnegie building were built,” he said.
Mr. Scott said that the committee is considering a number of factors in deciding whether to renovate the library at its existing location, move it to the old school building, or divide the library resources between both buildings. Those include physical aspects of each building, parking considerations, social and cost aspects associated with the sites.
In a public forum last month, several town residents came out to discuss the merits of each potential site. “Depending on who you talk to, depending on where you live, I think one location might be more convenient for a certain segment of our population,” Mr. Scott said. He estimated that the meeting drew some 50 to 60 people, and the majority were strongly in favor of one site. “The feedback that we were hearing was a strong preference for the existing site,” he said.
But Mr. Scott said the old Edgartown school option should be considered carefully. While parking is severely limited at the current location, there would be much more space available at the school.
“The proximity to Edgartown school I think creates some very exciting opportunities,” Mr. Scott said. For instance, when school facilities shut down at the end of the school day, students will have a new place to read, or use computers right next door. Some people at the meeting argued that building a library right next door to a school that holds its own library would be redundant. But Mr. Scott pointed out that the school library facility is not available on afternoons and weekends, or during the summer months.
But as attractive as the old school may be as a candidate for the new library location, Mr. Scott said that many town residents have sentimental attachments to the current building, and would like to see the Warren house preserved.
Before the building design committee makes its final site recommendation in January, they will have to enlist an architect as part of the grant application process. And earlier in the summer, the committee signed a contract with South Easton’s Pomroy Associates, to act as project manager, as required by the state for any project costing over $1 million. Pomroy recently finished a project to build a new library in Mashpee.
If the library foundation can raise enough money to earn the matching state grant — a task that has proven difficult in the five years since the library expansion project began with the purchase of the Warren House — Edgartown is looking towards expanding the library to a 15,000 square foot facility, more than double its current size.
“But I would say from my experience that private fund-raising is very challenging,” said Mr. Scott. “Not only is it challenging to begin with but there’s also a lot of competition ... There’s a lot of good causes on the Island.”
Tickets for Monday’s Frankly, We Love Our Library event at the Right Fork Diner at Katama Airfield are priced at $15 for adults and $5 for children 10 and under, and the event is scheduled to kick off at 4 p.m.
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