Autumn will arrive this week, and the air is already crisp and clear. Great weather for the fishing derby.
The Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living needs additional board members, alternates, and members at large from each town. If you would like to participate in the efforts to provide services to those age 55 and up on the Vineyard, and especially the services of the Supportive Day Program, please let us know. Board meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at 8 a.m. at the Tisbury Senior Center. Those serving from their respective towns include Nancy Shemeth, Shirley Dewing and Olga Church from Edgartown, Karen Achille from Oak Bluffs, Ginger Duarte and Sandy Pratt from Tisbury, Diane Jetmund from West Tisbury, Judy Worthington from Chilmark and June Manning from Aquinnah.
The Martha’s Vineyard Chapter of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Family History Center at Merchant Mart in Vineyard Haven. Membership is for the calendar year from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31. The society is a nonprofit, educational organization founded in 1975 with the purpose of promoting and encouraging Massachusetts genealogical research at all levels from beginners to amateur to professionals. Our research skills reach beyond the confines of Dukes County and the commonwealth. Membership dues for the year are $25 and are tax-deductible. If you would like to join or wish to learn more about us, please go to the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists Web page. We have a speaker each month. On Oct. 13, Herbert Ward will present his family history and that of his great-grandfather, Capt. Levi Jackson, who with his crew rescued 14 from the sinking of the Mertie B. Crowley.
Today the Aquinnah Cultural Center will host a demonstration by Linda Jeffers Coombs on decorative arts of traditional 17th century technique of painting deerskin clothing, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. On Saturday, Prof. Ron Welburn of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst will lecture on Native American jazz, blues, and popular music. He is a member of the Cherokee Tribe. Tickets are $7 each; the lecture begins at 3 p.m.
Saturday is Tivoli Day in Oak Bluffs. A fun day for the entire family. At 7 p.m. on Saturday evening, Phil darosa, Erich Luening, and Meghan LaRoque will perform at the Union Chapel. Tickets are available for the concert at daRosa’s and at Aboveground Records.
The Aquinnah Public Library will sponsor a presentation by Susan Klein and Alan Brigish with their book Martha’s Vineyard Now and Zen on Tuesday evening from 5 to 6 p.m. at the Aquinnah town hall. Refreshments will follow the discussion.
The town of Aquinnah will hold a public hearing at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 21 at the selectmen’s meeting to discuss the community development strategy. Participation is encouraged.
Aquinnah housing committee administrative assistant Carolyn Feltz has applications available in her office for the property at 20 State Road to be offered in a lottery in December. Please stop by and see Carolyn or call her at 508-645-2304.
Historian Matthew Stackpole will be speaking at the Vineyard Haven Public Library on Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. with his fascinating history of the past, present and future of the Charles W. Morgan, the oldest surviving whale ship presently in need of repairs and restoration at the Mystic Seaport Museum.
Lenny and Mallory Butler are looking forward to the arrival of her brother, Dr. David Mosser, and his partner, Dr. Tricia Darrah, from College Park, Md., over the weekend. David is director of the Maryland Pathogen Research Institute and Tricia is a researcher at the National Institute of Health. Dr. Mosser is looking forward to seeing his niece, Jeffie Butler, her husband, Kevin Sheehan, and their daughter, Maeve who are now at home in Aquinnah for the month with Lenny and Mallory. While Maxwell was a student at the charter school he spent a week in David’s lab which was then at Temple University, and at the time, Tricia was the post-doctoral student that supervised Maxwell’s work. Maxwell will arrive home this evening from Boston for the weekend with his family. Nina, now a senior at Wellesley College, will be unable to spend the weekend at home due to her college schedule.
Sincerest condolences to the families and friends of Donald Davis of Abel’s Hill, Samuel Leighton of Edgartown, and Frank Pachico of Tisbury, who were all multi-generational family friends.
Sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Barbara P. Lewis, who died at Windemere this week. Barbara was the medical record librarian at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital for more than 30 years. We worked together when there were just the two of us in the tiny record room of the old hospital in the early 1970s. We worked together again in what was then the new hospital during the 1980s when many advances had taken place in the record-keeping process. Barbara was a dear friend and mentor during those years. She was a devoted mother, grandmother and great-grandmother and especially a friend who will be missed by all.
Our newest Aquinnah resident is Seamus Ritter Mahoney, who was born on Sept. 13, weighing in at 7 pounds, 6 ounces and already 20 inches tall. Seamus is the son of James and Melissa (Nichols) Mahoney, grandson of Island grandparents Kevan and Marcy Nichols of Tisbury, and especially nephew of Jill Nichols Taney and Kevan D. Nichols. He was welcomed home by his five-year-old sister, Aileen Barbara Mahoney on Wednesday.
Get well wishes to Charity Randolph, who recently spent a few days at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. She is being cared for now at home by her sister, Arenda (Bunny) Maxwell, who has arrived from her home in Iowa.
Jesse Wiener arrived for a visit with his parents, Carolyn Feltz and Jerry Wiener, on Tuesday, after spending his summer at Boothbay Harbor, Me. His wife, Maggie, is now headed back to Manhattan. Jesse was the music director and pianist at the Carousel Music Theatre while his wife Maggie was a cabaret performer. They will return to their winter home in Manhattan where another musical job awaits Jesse.
Happy first anniversary wishes to Jesse Wiener and his wife Maggie as they celebrated their special day on Sept. 12. Happy 23rd anniversary wishes to Sarah (Shafer) and Ted Howes as they celebrate their special day on Sept. 19. Happy eighth anniversary wishes to Aquinnah police chief Randhi P. Belain and his wife, Tiffany, as they celebrate on Sept. 21. Happy 32nd anniversary wishes to David and Diane Jensen on Sept. 23.
Belated happy birthday wishes to Lenny Clarke, who celebrated his special day on Sept. 16.
Happy birthday wishes this week to Diana Lees and to Patricia Stano-Carpenter on Sept. 18. Keith Devine will party on Sept. 19. Amos Sauer will be two years old on Monday and shares his day with Laurie Burnett and Ruth VanBrakle. Trippy Barnes will party on Sept. 21. Janet Foley celebrates on the Sept. 22 and Jeffrey Madison will celebrate on Sept. 24.
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