Everyone I talk to has always said September and October are the best months on Martha’s Vineyard, and so far they are not wrong. Of course there was that little incident with Earl, but otherwise we have loved the weather.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. I am afraid I am losing my mind as I did not get my list. I only remembered it when I sat down to write this column and I looked for it and realized that once again I did not call the school. So now I have a note on the computer. Hopefully that will work.
Congratulations to Brooke and Derek Avakian who were joined in marriage on Saturday, Sept. 11 at Farm Neck. The day could not have been more perfect — beautiful weather, family, great friends, great music and lots of happiness. Congratulations to both of you and may you have many happy years together.
Congratulations to Cleveland (Brown) and Kevin Miller of Wilton, Conn., on the birth of their son, Andrew Judson Miller, born Sept. 9. Andrew is the little brother of Matthew Miller. He is the grandson of Susan Brown and nephew of Gordon Brown. Congratulations to all.
On Tuesday, Sept. 28, from 5 p.m. until closing, join Felix Neck naturalists for feel-good food and fun at Flatbread Pizza at Nectar’s. Enjoy delicious salads and pizza, learn about fall bird migrations and enjoy music by the Flying Elbows. A portion of every pizza sale goes directly to Felix Neck to support nature and wildlife protection on Martha’s Vineyard.
The Wednesday fish distribution from the bass and bluefish derby at The Anchors will now happen at 10 a.m. Seniors, please note the change. It is first-come, first-served and if you can, please bring your own bag for the fish. Thanks to the fishermen for their generosity.
The Anchors is reopening its weekly fall and winter Friday Café today with a welcome-back theme. Today the menu includes eggplant parmesan; next week it will be chicken Marbella. The cost is $5; reservations must be made in advance by calling 508-627-4368. And the Tuesday $2 sandwich lunches are continuing in September, also by reservation. Next week the Tues day sandwich is meat loaf; after lunch the Rev. Chip Seadale, the new rector at St. Andrew’s, will be welcomed. He will share his lighthearted views about being an Island newcomer.
On Labor Day the Katama Airfield was the place to be, when Frankly We Love our Library held their annual barbeque event to raise money for the library. The Martha’s Vineyard Flying Club displayed scale-model airplanes and guests were able to make their own gliders and test their wings at the flight simulator. Many of our town leaders were on hand to address the process in place to build the library. If you would like more information on the library, you can contact Ann Vose at 508-627-7077.
Welcome home to Barbara Boyle who has been a patient in a Boston hospital for the past few weeks. Get well soon and we can’t wait to see you out and about town.
Our sympathy goes out to the family of Sam Leighton, who died Monday, Sept. 13 at home with his daughters at his side. Sam was a big part of this town as a former policeman and one of the key people to get the Boys’ and Girls’ Club off the ground. He was also a familiar figure out on the flats shellfishing.
There will be a celebration of Sam’s life on Saturday, Oct. 2 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Boys’ and Girls’ Club on Robinson Road near the Edgartown School. The eulogy will be delivered at 4:30 p.m.
Sam is survived by his daughters Nancy Henry, Gail Palacio and Patty Mundt, all of Edgartown, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. He was also the husband of the late Nancy Leighton. A celebration of his life will be at a later date. The family has asked that in lieu of flowers donations be made to the Martha’s Vineyard Boys’ and Girls’ Club or the Martha’s Vineyard Arena.
This is my favorite time of year at the nursery as the mums and asters are in along with the ornamental cabbages and peppers. It won’t be long before we start getting pumpkins, gourds, corn and cornstalks. We are also having our huge sale, so stop by and see us.
Don’t forget to stop by the Boys’ and Girls’ Club for their first annual high tea and fashion show on Saturday from 3 to 6 p.m. Wear your best hat to win a special prize. Tickets are available at the Second Hand Store on North Summer street.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
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