The time has come to begin fall chores and home improvements. Shoulder season transit service will cease on Oct. 13 and then we begin the winter bus schedule. The fall foliage should be spectacular as we have had a very green season. The bass derby is in full swing and the fish appear to be plentiful. At this time of the year Joe Howes would remind people of an old saying that has proved to be quite true — you can tell what the coming winter will be like by how large the area of black is on the first white caterpillar that you see in the fall.
Simi Horwitz of New York city visited friends in town on a brief vacation from her duties this week. She stayed with her cousin Naomi and her husband Andy of New York city. Simi has vacationed many times over the last several years. She is a features writer for the newspaper Backstage and returns home tomorrow.
Anna and I went up to Boston on Saturday to attend a significant birthday celebration for Richard Galler. We met Denise Mount and her husband, Don Evon, and after the celebration we went over to the Harbor Festival along Rowe’s Wharf and Faneuil Hall. It was warm and crowded, much as we were during the summer. We returned home Sunday afternoon.
Ken Burns and Cheri-Ann Milano of Boston tied the knot while on vacation here. They enjoyed their visit and plan to come back often.
Doris Carroll of Bloomfield, N.J., and her dog Lulu, a friend of Lynn Christoffers, has been enjoying the beach, long walks and visiting with friends.
The firemen held their annual picnic at Flat Point Farm last Sunday afternoon under sunny skies. Firemen, their families and assorted guests that attended the affair had a wonderful time. The children enjoyed flying kites, watching fireworks and riding on the fire truck.
Orlaith McCarthy-Estes over at the school reports that activity for students during the first week of school were mostly about getting organized and settling in for the fall. The PTO met on Tuesday.
Lynn Ditchfield reports that there will be an open house with walk-in registration for ACE MV fall classes on Sept. 28 and 29 at the high school from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Or you can register for fall classes online at
On Oct. 15 from 6 to 9 p.m., ACE MV will host a cultural festival with an ethnic food court and concert with Jemima James, Dan Waters, Nina Violet and others. For information, e-mail, or call 508-693-1033 extension 240.
Colleen Morris over at the library is busy organizing late summer and early fall programs. Tomorrow Joanne Scott of Music street will continue the health and wellness series with a talk about craniosacral therapy and still point induction; it begins at 4 p.m. There will be a book discussion on Monday at 3:30 p.m. for young readers about the book Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy. At 5:30 p.m. Dr. Enid Haller will show a documentary film on ticks and lead a discussion about Lyme and tick-borne diseases. This will continue on Tuesday at the same time.
Mark Saturday, Oct. 2 on your calendar now for the Living Local harvest festival at the Agricultural Hall. It will include a potluck dinner and music in the early evening.
Happy Birthday to: Celine Segel and Jillian Murtha today; Sandra Bernat, Mary Dacey, Laura Marshard and Scott Britney tomorrow; Eleanor Stanwood, Sara Alwardt and Marcy Holmes on Sunday; Marilyn Hollinshead, Tony Rezendes Jr, and Allan McDowell on Monday; Judy and Larry Schubert, Amanda Dickinson, Ben Gunn and Robert Wittig on Tuesday; Carole Kimberly, Nancy Strecker, Angela Scarborough and Kathy Lobb on Wednesday; Granville White, Terre Young and Sean Conley on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Kim Klaren.
Remember that tomorrow is Tivoli Day in Oak Bluffs. Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s edition. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
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