Igor has been having quite an effect on our weather this past week. Even though we are still reminiscing about how Earl was a dud, Igor has made up for it with winds that have been very gusty. However, the warm weather is still upon us during the day.
As promised, I remembered (thanks to the huge note on my computer for a week) the birthday list. So here are big birthday balloons to Tyler Edwards, who celebrated his day Sept. 1; Spencer Schofield, Sept. 4; Tessa Hammond, Jonathan Santana and Luka Vieira, Sept. 7; Jacquelyn Hegarty, Alana Morris and Jack O’Brien, Sept. 8; Adeline Hayman and Nicholas Tenmini, Sept. 9; Kiana Casey and Joseph Silveira, Sept. 11; Caroline Kelleher, Sept. 14; Megan Donovan, Sept. 17; Curtis Farrell, Renato Gomes, Sept. 18; Matheus Brito, Michael Magaraci, Sept. 20; Amber Medeiros and Cory Medeiros, and Halen Sherman-Harper, Sept. 21; and to Ewellen Carlos, who celebrates his day today, Sept. 24.
Special wishes go to Kathy Ivory, who celebrates her day Sept. 27.
Flatbread is for the birds! On Tuesday, Sept. 28 from 5 p.m. till close, join Felix Neck naturalists for feel good food and fun at Flatbread Pizza at Nectar’s. Enjoy delicious salads and pizza, learn about fall bird migrations, and enjoy music by the Flying Elbows. A portion of every pizza sale goes directly to Felix Neck to support nature and wildlife protection on the Vineyard.
This week the Martha’s Vineyard Cultural Council’s third annual grant-writing workshop will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 29, at 6 p.m. at the Howes House. The workshop is designed to help prospective applicants hoping for council awards understand the purpose of the local cultural council program and to assist them in putting together effective applications. The council will give away close to $30,000 this year; the workshop is free.
Congratulations to Jeff Donaroma, who passed his tests to become a pilot on Sept. 16. Jeff studied and took lessons for the past two months to fulfill the requirements. He will now go on to study flying by instruments and who knows where to from that. Fly safe.
I drove through town the other day as I am always at the other end of Main street and the bus tours are still going strong. It made me chuckle at the years I worked on Main street and remember seeing the seniors who are fondly also known as the rain cap group, the gray hairs, the polyester gang, or many other nicknames. But we would miss them if they weren’t here and it should give us a smile that they are still able to travel and enjoy our Island, and that they can still afford to travel.
Things are starting to quiet down as people get settled into their new routines for the fall and winter. I am missing our beach days but there is always something going on on Sundays now, like Patriot games, the derby or making tomato sauce from all the tomatoes from the garden. I enjoyed getting everybody’s input on their family recipes. It will be nice this winter reaching into the freezer and eating something that we grew ourselves.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
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