The weekend weather was delightful but Sunday was noticeably cooler, lending a fall-like atmosphere to the air. We now have an early sunset, cooler temperatures on the way, and memories of a September that slipped by before you knew it. Folks are looking forward the harvest festival and antique power show this weekend. Can Halloween be just 30 days away? The advertising for it has begun in earnest. Oakleaf has a nice Halloween display at their Middletown Gardens nursery, and pumpkins are displayed everywhere.
The scene shifts to the Agricultural Hall on Panhandle Road tomorrow morning — except for the Farmers’ Market which, unlike last year, will remain at its usual place at the Grange Hall.
At the fair grounds there will be three tents featuring explanations of a proposed wind power co-op and other environmental education. They will have children’s activities, pumpkin carving, felt making and more. There will also be a variety of exhibits and contests. The festival concludes with a community potluck dinner featuring live Island-made music. Please bring a dish that will feed six and your own cup, plate and utensils.
The 23rd annual Antique Power Show will take place this year in the barn in the rear of the property. George Hartman is once again in charge of the show and promises that some newly restored steam engines will be on display from his collection. Ron Kokernak, from Webster, will be displaying a tool from his grandfather’s collection and has promised George that he will make it run for all to see. There will be a wide variety of trucks, cars and engines on display. He will be on hand anytime after 4 p.m. on Friday to set up the show. If you have any questions, please call him at 508-693-6039.
Warren and Marilyn Hollinshead of Pond View Road have returned from two weeks in London and Oxford, England, followed by a week in Banff, Alberta. They enjoyed several plays, the Proms, and friends they have in London, and they revisited many of the colleges in Oxford. Warren reports that the spectacular Rocky Mountains of Canada and the emerald blue lakes were a restful contrast. But, as always, they are glad to be home.
Joy Robinson-Lynch reports that Dot King, formerly of Old County Road, passed away last week out in California, where she was living with one of her daughters and still caring for her son George, even though she was blind. She worked for many years as an attendant at Long Point Beach. Dot was the heart of that beach, greeting everyone at the gate, sharing stories and dispensing advice. A memorial service is planned for next month.
Jill Lumpkin, of New York city, has been here visiting old friends Sally Hamilton, Richard and Joan Skidmore, Brent Taylor and many others. She feels blessed by the wonderful fall weather we have been having during her stay and she misses living here. She reports that she will be retiring to India next year.
Jeanne Barron, of Campbell Road, reports that her daughter Julia and her family have recently returned to Los Angles after spending the month with them. Her husband Fred is attending cooking school in Italy.
Orlaith Estes over at the school reports that Tuesday is the annual school picture day.
The Martha’s Vineyard Museum requests that you save some time on Oct. 15 or 16 to attend the fourth annual Food and Wine Festival in Edgartown. For more information, call the museum. Remember the Your Town Our Island exhibit has opened, and residents of this town will receive free admission tomorrow.
Paul Karasik, over at the charter school, reports that tomorrow night at Nectar’s there will be the biggest, wildest 80s Dance Party with deejay Jason Araujo. So tease your hair, rip your jeans, and apply glitter liberally as we celebrate the 80s at the third annual Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School Rock Auction. The fee of $25 includes Flatbread’s pizza and salad bar. The silent auction starts at 6:30 p.m. and the live auction starts at 8, followed by dance mania! There will be lots of great auction items including a week in Virgin Gorda, a private Super Bowl party, ski week in Vail, Celtics tickets and much more.
Al DeVito reports that artists and craftsmen residing at Island Elderly Housing will be holding their third annual show of their works next weekend from 1 to 3 p.m. in the community room of Woodside Village II. For more information, please call 508-693-5880, extension 12.
Cathy Minkiewicz, of Mayhew Norton Road, reports that next Saturday morning Columbus Day weekend, Soo Whiting is going to lead a bird walk for Garden Club members and guests at $10 per person. It will be a day after her birthday, so you can give her birthday wishes. The meeting time is 8:30 a.m. at the Old Mill. They warn you to be prompt as the early bird waits for no one. No RSVPs required; just show up on time and they will carpool.
Lynn Ditchfield reports that fall classes for Adult and Community Education of Martha’s Vineyard (ACE-MV) (acemv) begin tomorrow at the regional high school. On Oct. 15 there will be a Cultural Festival from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center of the regional high school. It is a benefit for ACE-MV and a celebration of Ethnic Studies Week, with an ethnic food court, booths, displays and demonstrations, a silent auction, plus a fabulous Island diversity concert with performances representing local and global cultures including the Black Brook Singers, Jemima James and Dan Waters, Leandro and Gunga, Nina Violet and her band, Susan Klein and Alan Brigish, Irish music, Immigrant Voices, capoeira, salsa, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and much more! Don’t miss it. Tickets will be available soon.
Colleen Morris, over at the library, reports that by popular demand, they are adding a new story time on Fridays at 10:30 a.m. Also, this afternoon at 4 p.m. there will be some live jazz music to get your weekend off on the right note. October is scary movie month at the library; an Alfred Hitchcock movie will be shown each Monday evening at 7 p.m. Every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. this month the Martha’s Vineyard Writers Residency, in collaboration with the library, will offer poetry and fiction works with a Q and A session. And finally, for a one-dollar raffle ticket you stand a good chance to win a shower curtain.
Tara Whiting, town clerk, reports that her town hall office will be open until 8 p.m. on Oct. 13, the last day to register to vote in the state election that will be held on Nov. 2. Absentee ballots will be available at the town hall the following week, so you may cast your vote in the all important state election.
On Oct. 12, 1949: “Robin Elwell, of Arrowhead Farm in Indian Hill, was elected president of the Agricultural Society at their annual meeting at the Agricultural Hall. Miss Polly Mayhew was elected secretary and William Pinney treasurer. Trustees elected were Albert O. Fisher Jr. Arnold M. Fisher, Jesse Steere and Theodore Meinelt. Mr. Meinelt was also appointed chairman of the 1950 fair. Mrs. Alice Mathewson read a report on the 1949 fair and a vote of thanks was given for her splendid work. It was also voted to mail out a questionnaire to the public as an aid to improving future fairs. The central questions are: Name your main interest at the fair? Is it the livestock, machinery, produce, art, flowers or 4-H, special exhibits. Which of the following attractions would you like to find at next year’s fair? Baseball games, a carnival, band concerts, square dances, horse, fashion or puppet shows. The results will be tabulated before the first of the year.”
Happy birthday to: Barry Donner, Rick Lee and Ellen Gaskill today; Christy Phillipps, David Kelliher, Coco Adams and Robert Tonti tomorrow; Anna Carringer, Elizabeth Bramhall, Jimmy Young, Kathy Logue and Fain Hackney on Sunday; Tim Maley, Kathy Chaves, Jon Nelson III and Fred Fisher III on Monday; Ben Reeve, Teresa Thompson, Catherine Flynn and Christine Cook on Tuesday; Akia Miranda, Molly Gray and Pat Benway on Wednesday; Rick Anderson, Timothy Walsh III, Kathleen Hope, Susan Whiting and Lincoln Higgins on Thursday. Anniversary greetings to Will and Leslei Monast on Sunday.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s edition. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
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