Say so long to Jim and Trude Hart for the season! We did so at a wonderful party hosted by Marge and Paul Howes at their home Tuesday evening. Jim and Trude began the long road trip yesterday back to Royal Palm where Jim is famous for writing his Condo News column, and Trude lovingly tends her flowers. Last week their son, Ronnie and daughter in law, Diane, of New Jersey, visited them for one last Island weekend this year. But all the neighbors gathered to say goodbye, there was much toasting and many invitations in every direction, although it is most likely we will all be headed south rather than having them return to enjoy a New England winter. Bon voyage!
Our library hosts its monthly mini book sale tomorrow from 1 to 3 p.m. The proceeds from this very popular sale fund our children’s programs. Don’t forget that beginning on Oct. 31, Halloween, the library will be open from noon to 4 p.m. on Sundays with the exception of a few long holiday weekends.
Saturday night is film society evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Katharine Cornell Theatre. A very interesting, but very adult offering is Samson and Delilah, the story of two teenagers from a remote Aboriginal tribe in central Australia who meet and fall in love after sharing a tragedy. Doors open at 7 p.m. For more information call 774-392-2972 or visit
The Mansion House offers a free aquatic aerobics class, great for all levels, on Sunday, Oct. 17 at 3:30 p.m. All are welcome, member or not. Stay on to soak in the hot tub, use the sauna or clear your sinuses in the steam room. I’ll see you there.
The annual Martha’s Vineyard Food and Wine Festival is occurring as we speak. It begins today and runs through tomorrow. The Sultans of Swing are providing great live entertainment, all kinds of food and wine are available, and part of the proceeds benefit the Boys’ and Girls’ Club, the Martha’s Vineyard Museum and the YMCA. Check out the schedule at
Head out to Chilmark tomorrow for a free concert, Reflections of Shakespeare. The Martha’s Vineyard Cultural Council, collaborating with the Massachusetts Cultural Council and MPRI brings this festival of music, poetry, and dance in memory of Robert Hanson, at 5:30 p.m.
The Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club speaks on Do You Really Know What Organic Is? presented by Nancy Weaver and Lisa Fisher next Tuesday, Oct. 19 at 1 p.m. at the Wakeman Center in West Tisbury. All gardeners and lovers of flowers are welcome; members attend for free, others pay $5. Discussion and refreshments follow.
The American Legion Auxiliary meeting will be held at Post 257 on Martin Road on Tuesday night at 7 p.m. We are always looking for new members. We are also preparing for our annual holiday sale; creative minds are needed!
For those in need who meet the guidelines, the first Serving Hands food distribution of the season begins next Wednesday from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at the First Baptist Church. To check on the qualifications call Betty Burton at 508-693-5339.
The Cape and Islands chapter of the American Red Cross is hosting an open house at Camp Edwards at the Massachusetts Military Reservation on Oct. 23 and 24. This great tour and party includes a forties and fifties dance. Volunteers are needed to manage some two-hour shifts. If you would like to attend, and if you can volunteer, check the schedule by calling 508-775-1540 or visit You will also be able to see all the great training classes offered.
Also next weekend an appreciation afternoon is to be held at the new Ag Hall in West Tisbury, honoring Cong. William Delahunt and state Sen. Rob O’Leary. The event is from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 23. Beverages will be provided; bring a finger food dish to share.
You will leave that in time for the famous annual harvest supper of the United Methodist Church, the Stone Church, in Vineyard Haven. Oh, how I remember Barbara Donald calling me each year to publicize this beloved event, and how hard she worked for it! Make your reservations at 508-693-3254 or visit
Finally, by next weekend, you will be enjoying the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School’s annual Scarecrow Festival, sponsored by over 80 Island businesses. The kids are always so creative with their crows. This year’s theme is literary. Be prepared to recognize some of your favorite characters.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Lu Healey and Helen Gorski today. Tomorrow is claimed by Steffie Elliott. Oct. 17 is a party for Sue Zonino, Hannah Berman, and Margery Howes. Oct. 18 is shared by Noel Macy, Shawn Goodwin, Zach Pepper, Jermaine Campbell, and Jim Pringle. Oct. 19 is for Benjamin Cotton. Oct. 20 shines on Bridget Slomka. And on Oct. 21 Allison Brown takes the cake. Many happy returns.
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