Last Friday we had high winds, a lot of rain and several ferry cancellations to the Island. But the weekend weather was seasonable and allowed for a lot of outside chores to get done before the first frost. Linda Alley, manager of the Farmers’ Market reports that their fall market will take place at the Agricultural Hall tomorrow from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. It was very successful last year and they are planning to make it even better tomorrow.
Paul Karasik reports that the 11th annual Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School scarecrow contest will be in full swing next week. Last year over 80 Island businesses made a contribution to the school and in exchange received a handsome scarecrow. This year’s contest will have a literary theme, so keep your eyes peeled for Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, Huckleberry Finn and all their pals.
Emily Gadd returned to her home in Bozeman, Mont., last week after spending the summer months at her house. Emily reports that the weather was superb and her garden produced a copious amount of vegetables. She enjoyed her visit and her friends and looks forward to returning to the great Northwest.
Linda Baughman of Philadelphia, Pa., has been house-sitting for Phyllis Meras on Music street. Phyllis is expected to return Sunday after a two-week trip to Germany.
A treat is in store for the Vineyard on Sunday at 5 p.m., when a London group of Suzuki-trained children, ages 9 to 15, performs at the Old Whaling Church in Edgartown. The concert is free for children, with a suggested donation of $10 for adults. This extraordinary group of violinists and violists is directed by Helen Brunner. Bring your family and friends for a special hour of music.
Our condolences to Donald DeSorcy and family on the death of Rosemarie DeSorcy last Sunday.
A public forum will be held on Monday at 5:30 p.m., at the West Tisbury Free Public Library to introduce the architectural team chosen to design the library expansion. The session will be moderated by trustee Dan Waters; the public is encouraged to attend. Since April, the library has held monthly public forums to outline the library’s history and needs, and to gather public comment. The forum on Monday is the seventh in the series and the first to include the newly-selected architects.
Town clerk Tara Whiting reports that she has had 60 applications for absentee ballots for the upcoming election on Nov. 2. You also may cast a ballot in her office between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. during the business week at the town hall if you will not be here on Nov. 2. The last day for absentee voting is Monday, Nov. 1 at noon.
Also, Ms. Whiting reports that she does not yet have 2011 hunting licenses; 2010 licenses and stamps are available from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.. A hunting license from any previous year or a hunter’s safety course card are required.
Colleen Morris over at the library has been keeping busy as usual and this weekend she has outdone herself. A library appreciation day party and potluck for Diana Manter thanking her for many years of service will be held today at 4 p.m. Joanne Scott of Music street will talk about wellness with Tai Chi as a part of her health and wellness series tomorrow afternoon. On Sunday at 3 p.m. Nancy Cole, education director of the Martha’s Vineyard Museum, will tell the story about Laura Jernegan, the young girl from Edgartown who 142 years ago set off on a three-year whaling voyage with her family and ship’s crew.
Orlaith Estes over at the school reports these highlights for next week: On Monday there will be a potluck dinner for England exchange families and staff at the school; on Tuesday the fourth grade students take a field trip to Felix Neck, and on Friday the exchange students leave for home.
Tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 5:30 p.m. all are invited to a gathering to honor Cong. William Delahunt and state Sen. Robert O’Leary for their many years of service representing the Vineyard. Please bring a finger food to share at this community reception.
Meg Higgins over at the church reports that this year’s Crop Walk will be begin Sunday at 2 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Church in Vineyard Haven. If you are interested in walking and soliciting donations from church members and the community at large, please contact Rosemarie Doane at 508-693-3908. Denise Gruetzmacher has been named church school director; she begins her new job on Oct. 31. And the stewardship board will help kick off the Thanksgiving season by hosting a festive family potluck event at the Agricultural Hall at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 7. Come share good food, fellowship and music from the choir. Welcome back, Meg.
Happy birthday to: Dianne Rothwell, Susan Faraca and Caroline Flanders today; Betty Cottle, Ben DeForrest and Shirley Wilcox tomorrow; Carol Koury, Doreen Rezendes and Sarah Mayhew on Sunday; Sid Counsell, Laura Roosevelt, Sarah Bergeron, Amy Lawry, Warren Mayo and Maureen Fisher on Monday; Barbara Child and Heather Slayton on Tuesday; Brian Alwardt on Wednesday; Fran Finnegan, Barbara Moment, Paul Wells and Joe Capobianco on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Sandy Hill and Goodie Stiller and belated 67th wedding anniversary wishes to George and Mary Lu Hough, of Indian Hill, and John Paul Jones and Irene Selvino.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news please call or e-mail me.
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