Well, Jack Frost hit us on Tuesday night and what was left of the summer flowers are now done for the winter. I also heard people saying they had finally to break down and turn on the heat.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons goes out to Joshua Brown, who celebrated his day Oct. 31, and to Thiago Muniz, who celebrated his day Nov. 2.
In my haste I forgot to wish Sara Piazza a happy birthday on Oct. 22. She was proud to share that she was turning 60 and that she would be making it a grand weekend. She had some Irish musician friends from Boston down who played the bouzoukis, pipes, banjos and guitars. It sounds like it was a great day and here is to many more happy birthdays.
The Friends of the Library are having an open meeting on Monday, Nov. 8 at 4 p.m. at the library. Refreshments will be served as they hear from library director Felicia Cheney and others concerning what we can do for the library and not what the library can do for us. They will vote on a new set of bylaws and everyone is invited. Come and bring a friend.
Every fall the Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club awards main street businesses or organizations in each town a certificate for the most beautiful window boxes or landscaping. The number of awards varies from year to year — on an average, there are a maximum of five top awards and up to five honorable mentions. The judging is done in September as window box maintenance throughout the summer is as important as beauty and design. Of course the larger towns have more window boxes for judging! The judging is done by the club’s town vice presidents and their committees. The winners for Edgartown this year are: Carlin Fine Art, 20 Main, Butler Block, Among the Flowers and Christina Gallery Inc. Honorable mention goes to L’Etoile Restaurant and the Fallon of Edgartown. Congratulations to all.
I met Nina, a black lab that is at the Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard. She and her volunteer were walking through the nursery one day and stopped in at the shed to meet us. She is a Labrador-hound mix and has the greatest personality. She is waiting to be adopted and as many people who know me, I would have walked home with her in a minute, but I have restrained myself and hope a good family finds her. She is great with kids and is fine with other dogs and cats.
If you have any extra time the shelter needs volunteers to help clean up cages, pat the animals and whatever else Lisa may need. You could also walk a dog. They love to get out and it would be company for you.
Don’t forget to turn your clocks back this weekend.
Have a great day and keep the home candles burning.
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