Well, they went off to see the Wizard. The Wizard of Oz, that is. Hugh Schwarz, his daughter, our cobbler, Nancy MacMullen, granddaughter Dawn, all travelled to Bridgewater State University to see Hugh’s grandson, Duncan MacMullen, who served in the Marine Corps, play the title role in their school play. I can’t think of a better Wizard! Congratulations, Duncan.
I didn’t know that Halloween was Earl Littlefield’s birthday, but I certainly do now. Earl had a wonderful time. Aside from well-wishes from friends and family, Earl’s touch was golden that day. Apparently, he could do no wrong with various scratch tickets. I guess he’s buying the next round at the Ocean View.
I am impressed that so many Islanders turned out to vote. Congratulations to the winners, thank you to all who ran but didn’t make it in this time. This is our process at work. Don’t be discouraged.
Tomorrow night, Nov. 6, the P.A. Club will be the site of our annual Minnesingers Auction, great finger foods and dessert. The silent auction begins at 5 p.m., tickets are $20. Trip Barnes will expertly handle the live auction. The bonus is a miniconcert by the Minnesingers. Please help support the kids’ trip to Prague next spring. I’ll see you there.
The Mansion House health program is obsessed with water. The theme of the freebie lessons at 3:30 p.m. every Sunday in November is aquatic exercise and instruction under the very capable direction of aquatics director and Red Cross swimming instructor Jennifer Fragosa. Remember, members and nonmembers alike are welcome to this weekly event.
It doesn’t end there. Mansion House health club members may attend a weekly Wednesday night event at 6:30 p.m. in the pool, a Float-In Movie! Yes, a great film will be shown every Wednesday while you float and relax. A free two-week club membership is the prize for the most interesting float. I’ll see you there.
Sharon Edell, a licensed massage therapist, will teach Methods of Massage on Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m., also at the health club. These lessons are free to members and walk-in day pass participants. Hats off to Brenda Wallis who does such a fine job as fitness and program director of the many club offerings.
The results of the annual awards from the Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club are in. For the Town of Tisbury, most beautiful window boxes and landscaping went to: Two Susans, Vineyard Kinda Life, Alley Cat, Jabas Gallery and Rainy Day. Honorable mention goes to C.B. Stark, the Green Room, Riley’s Reads, and Bramhall and Dunn. The Hall of Fame award was given to both Cronig’s Markets, up and downtown! The judges do their voting in August. All are welcome to join the Garden Club, which meets monthly year-round.
The library has a very interesting event next Tuesday night, Nov. 9, at 7 p.m. Astronaut Kathy Forrester will be there in her NASA uniform and give a brief history of space flight, the NASA shuttle program, and astronaut training. The audience will have an opportunity to do simulations of the training program. Kathy will share anecdotes from the astronauts and show a humorous DVD filmed by a crew aboard the shuttle. I’ll see you there.
Sure, the flu clinic will be held on Thursday, Nov. 11 at the high school, with the staging procedure that was used last year. But please don’t forget this is Veterans Day, and we need your help putting up the flags on the Avenue of Flags at our Oak Grove cemetery at 7:30 a.m. The parade steps off from Our Market at 10:45 a.m. Don’t forget to help us take the flags down at 3 p.m. I’ll see you there.
The Resource, Inc., a community development grant program, offers help to qualified homeowners and low to moderate income parents seeking assistance with child care programs. Our library hosts a presentation of the program at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 10.
Well, I was shocked to get the latest newsletter from the Martha’s Vineyard Women’s Network and find Nancy Gardella is speaking at the morning program, which includes a light breakfast, on Tuesday, Nov. 9 from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at the Baylies Room in the Old Whaling Church. I had no speech prepared, then I realized it wasn’t me! Our accomplished executive director of the Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce will discuss business forecasting, trends and opportunities. Register online at by Nov. 8, or drop your check off at Kiddos in Vineyard Haven or Ameriprise Financial in Edgartown. Thank them for inviting the right Nancy Gardella for this presentation.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Alex Campbell, Jessica Brown and Claire Joannidi today. Tomorrow is shared by Ashley Tilton and Marilyn O’Callaghan. Nov. 7 honors Jeff Masi Jr. and Lynne Kressin. Nov. 8 is claimed by Adelaide Silva, Ed Panek and Nancy MacMullen. Nov. 9 is a party for Barbara Jo Cayer, Matt Medeiros, Maria de Pinha and Evan Scott-Jennings. Nov. 10 observes the founding of the United States Marine Corps. And on Nov. 11, Willa Shalit, Lizanne Donegan and Victoria Hehre take the cake. Many happy returns.
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