Chilmark is still alive with the bright yellows and reds of the fall foliage. I was wrong to think that they wouldn’t survive the winds of last week. We are still enjoying lovely roadside displays of color. Enjoy every minute the next winds will carry them away.
We send condolences to the family and many Chilmark friends of Claus Buchthal, who died this week past and was laid to rest at Abel’s Hill Cemetery on Sunday. Claus and his family have been seasonal residents of Chilmark since the early 1970s and have many friends in town. His friends will miss his enthusiastic personality and his able bridge playing skills. We are happy he had such a long and successful life and shared it with Chilmark.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, Nov. 20, at the Chilmark Community Church for Ethel Whitman, who died on Nov. 9. She was a much-loved Chilmarker for many years and a loyal member of the Chilmark Community Church. We will all miss her.
Josh Aronie, who runs the Menemsha Café on Basin Road, tells us that he tried to cut back his hours but his patrons resisted so he will continue to be open on Monday through Fridays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Friday nights he will do dinner from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday’s hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. On Thanksgiving weekend Josh will offer dinner on both Friday and Saturday, 5 to 8 p.m.
The holiday sales continue. The Federated Church in Edgartown will hold their annual Festival of Wreaths on Dec. 2 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Parish house on South Summer street. The admission fee will get visitors wine and treats and an opportunity to bid via silent auction on the wreath of their choice. Monies raised are for the maintenance of the 1820 Sara Mayhew Parsonage.
Emmett Carroll will be honored on Saturday at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School. The half-time celebration at the annual Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket football game will salute all the past football players for the Vineyard high school. Emmett played for his school back in 1960. Go Vineyard!
The Thanksgiving holiday begins on Tuesday for the Chilmark School students. The annual Turkey Trot will be run on Middle Road as it has for many years. The students also spend the day making stone soup. It is the school tradition to prepare and share the stone soup meal and Lillian Kellman, popular storyteller, will be present to repeat the story of stone soup for them. The students will return to school the following Monday.
Bill Smith is recovering successfully from his recent surgery at a Boston hospital. We are happy to hear it and hope to see him out and about soon.
Parents make note: The Aquinnah Library will host a cooking program for children on Dec. 7 from 4 to 5 p.m. The cupcakes will be provided and the fun will be in the decorating. Parents and caregivers, please note that if your child has food allergies best to call librarian, Cathy Thompson, at 508-645-2314 for details.
The Friends of the Chilmark Library will host their holiday party at the library on Wednesday, Dec. 15. This will also be the kickoff for their annual holiday book sale at the library.
Programs will begin after the holidays at the Chilmark library. Chowder and a movie and family movie night dates will be announced soon.
I was interested to note, when reading an old Chilmark Town Report — 1910 — the town issued a license for a slaughterhouse, one dollar, and a license for a butcher, one dollar. Local farmers are working to establish a slaughterhouse once again on the Island. It is interesting that one hundred years ago there was one in Chilmark. Elsewhere in the old report I noted that there were 2,288 sheep in town and 304 fowl. It was also interesting to note that there were 119 voters, men, who paid a $2 poll tax for the privilege of voting.
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