A friend of mine who will be nameless in this column returned Monday from a New Hampshire hunting trip, at the lodge of “one of the guys,” to try to bag Bambi. Fortunately, they didn’t get, nor do I think see, one deer. Perhaps he should have stayed on Island. Tuesday morning, when I left my bank and drove up Look street, I saw what I (always) first took to be a very large dog on the block between Spring and Center streets. It was a beautiful doe, in the middle of the road, stopped at the four-way as I was. We stared at each other for a good three minutes. She took off in the yards behind some of the houses there. What a lovely way to start my day — and no hunters in sight!
The American Legion Auxiliary’s annual holiday bazaar is tomorrow at the hall on Martin Road. Meet me there between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. where you can shop, eat and drink, take chances on raffles and admire the handiwork of my very talented friends.
That fair ends just in time for you to check the book donations at our monthly mini-sale at the public library, from 1 to 3 p.m. I do believe, with the economy, this is the year for recycled gifts.
For more shopping options, visit the eighth annual holiday gift show at Featherstone, opening tomorrow, Nov. 20, and running through Dec. 19 daily from noon to 4 p.m. The sale benefits Featherstone and our local artists. We have so many fine artists and craftsmen; here’s a small list of some contributors: Betsy Edge, Donna Blackburn, Nancy Kingsley, Judy Campbell and Kiki Kenney.
Bringing it all back home. For you football fans, the Nantucket Whalers return to our turf tomorrow after a one-year hiatus from the famed Island Cup challenge. The Vineyarders have been preparing all week; bring a warm blanket and I’ll see you there!
You owe it to your kids and yourselves to take them to one of the shows at the Oak Bluffs school this weekend, the beloved Annie. The sun will come out tomorrow.
Our library’s free programs on Tuesdays continue at 7 p.m. on Nov. 23 with a screening of Woody Allen’s Hannah and Her Sisters. The film won three Oscars. The time set is one family between two Thanksgivings. How appropriate.
Book Saturday, Dec. 11 for Handmade from the Heart for Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard, at the elegant Dr. Daniel Fisher House in Edgartown. From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. you may enjoy hot cider, baked goods, and shop for one-of-a-kind handmade specialties. If you need more information or have something to donate, call 508-693-0189. If you will be elsewhere that day, your donation is always welcome at Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard, P.O. Box 2549, Oak Bluffs, MA 02557.
I ran into the tireless Betty Burton at the library. She was pleased to inform me that 170 Thanksgiving dinners have already been provided through your generosity; a $25 donation coupled with the efforts of Reliable Market, Family to Family, Serving Hands, and the Vineyard Committee on Hunger provides a festive meal for a family in need. Send your check to VCOH, P.O. Box 4685, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568. Please specify in the memo it is for Family to Family Martha’s Vineyard. Betty can always be reached at 508-693-5339 or
Speaking of Thanksgiving, if you don’t know what to do with your guests when evening rolls around, put on Channel 13 at 7:30 p.m. and treat them and yourselves to This Is Our Island narrated by Katharine Cornell. This is our classic.
Early registration for the 5K4KJ can be done at or just show up at the high school on Saturday, Nov. 27 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. to participate in this gorgeous autumn run/walk through the state forest. The proceeds benefit the high school cross-country scholarship fund.
The annual festival of wreaths at the Federated Church in Edgartown will be held on Thursday, Dec. 2 from 6 to 9 p.m. Your $10 admission gets you two glasses of wine, delicious hors d’oeuvres and a chance to bid in silent auction on 75 originally-designed natural wreaths. The party will benefit the maintenance of the 1820 Sara Mayhew Parsonage. I’ll be there and so will Herb Ward.
Continued get well wishes go out to Greg Coogan.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Jo Burton, Jenny Coito, Linda Voluckas, Michael Mortell, and John Athearn today. Tomorrow belongs to John Viera. Nov. 21 is claimed by Doug Grant. Nov. 22 sees Noah Bacheller turn three. Nov. 23 is shared by Derrick Alleyne and Ryan Gorman. Nov. 24 shines for George Caros. And on Nov. 25 Martha Dunham and Nicole Masi take the cake. Many happy returns.
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