The decision when is tied to the weather. Either tomorrow or Sunday a small fleet of rowers will depart from Little Harbor in Woods Hole and they’ll row to the Vineyard, stopping in Lagoon Pond.
The event, called The Row to Remember, is being organized by Rick Brown of Far Cry Boat Shop in Vineyard Haven. Mr. Brown is a local boat builder who specializes in building ornate and handsome looking crafts principally of wood. He has organized the event to raise money for the Alz-heimer’s Association.
There is an entry fee for each rower of $50. Mr. Brown said he is expecting at least a couple of rowing gigs and whaleboats participating. “We will have five chase boats. We’d like to leave before 10 a.m. and arrive at 12:30, at Maciel Marine.”
Why raise money for this one cause? “My grandmother and my mother died from it,” Mr. Brown said.
Tax deductible contributions to his event can be sent to him. Checks should be made out to Row to Remember and mailed to Mr. Brown at P.O. Box 2625, Oak Bluffs. 02557.
For more information or to get an update on which day the row is taking place, call Mr. Brown at 508-693-6930.
— Mark Alan Lovewell
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