Welcome to Rev. Ellen Tatreau, who will become the interim minister for Community Baptist Church of Gay Head, as well as for First Baptist Church in Tisbury. Rev. Tatreau will be preaching her first sermon in Aquinnah on Sunday, arriving from her home in Weymouth.
Reminder: special town meeting on Tuesday evening, Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. There are only nine articles on the warrant. They are all vital and need to be acted upon. Please try to attend.
Congratulations to the 20 members of the first Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School football team and the six cheerleaders, formed in 1960 by coaches Daniel McCarthy and Francis Pachico who guided them over the years. The honorees traveled from as far away as Florida and Pennsylvania and attended the steak dinner on Friday evening at the high school provided by the Touchdown Club. On Saturday they were all acknowledged and honored during halftime. They received a letter of commendation from the legislature, handed to each by State Rep. Timothy Madden. Those present from Aquinnah included Karen (Barker) Duffy and Gordon (Todd) Bassett. We enjoyed a mini reunion during the game and seeing many we have not seen in nearly 50 years. Perhaps we will see many next year when they return to the Vineyard for their 50-year reunion of their graduation from MVRHS. Others who still reside on the Vineyard are people we see not often enough in our daily lives.
The Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket football game is always a special time for me to spend a few moments with Nantucket’s only surgeon and their team physician, Dr. Timothy Lepore. Tim and I have been friends since he was a student at Tufts Medical School and spent a rotation through our gastroenterology department. We are definitely going to spend more time visiting each other on our respective Islands for a grand tour while learning more about the demise of the Wampanoag on Nantucket in 1763.
Martha’s Vineyard Now & Zen will be available at the holiday show this weekend at the Agricultural Hall on Panhandle Road. Author Susan Klein and photographer Alan Brigish will be available from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday and Saturday to personally inscribe a book for you or for a gift.
Pericles, Prince of Tyre will be performed at the Vineyard Playhouse on Friday, Nov. 26 at 7 p.m. and on Saturday, Nov. 27 at 8 p.m. This is Shakespeare for the Masses — quick, painless and free — and one not to be missed.
There will be a holiday bazaar at the P.A. Club on Vineyard avenue in Oak Bluffs on Saturday, Nov. 27 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lots of nice items for your shopping pleasure and to help many great causes while doing so. Look for members of the Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living with their country store tables with many great treasures.
Marsha Winsryg will be hosting a sale for the African Artists’ Community Development Project every Saturday from Nov. 27 through Dec. 18 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or by appointment. She will have Zambezi dolls, Taureg silver jewelry, baskets, patchwork, and more. The project benefits the Zambian disabled children. She is at 20 Road to Great Neck, one-half mile down New Lane in West Tisbury. For further information, please call 508-693-4059.
On Sunday, Nov. 28 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Oak Bluffs ambulance barn on Wing Road, there will be an EMS open house and pancake breakfast. The new ambulance will be on display and you can learn more about the Oak Bluffs Emergency Medical System. Their work is not just confined to Oak Bluffs; their EMTs and paramedics serve across the Vineyard, they are available when mutual assistance is needed, and they are responsible for many of the off-Island transports. Breakfast is by donation. Enjoy and support their vital efforts.
On Sunday, Nov. 28 at 3:30 p.m. at the Mansion House, aquatics instructor Brenda Correa will be teaching aqua aerobics. The pool is warm and available along with the hot tub, steam room or sauna following class.
Aquinnah Public Library would like to invite you to the final children’s program of autumn. On Tuesday, Dec. 7 from 4 to 5 p.m. the children and their caregiver/parents are invited to a food preparation program — specifically cupcake decoration. There will be prebaked cupcakes that are gluten-free, wheat-free and dairy-free but will have eggs in them. The creative effort will be on the decoration with fanciful sprinkles. If your child has a food allergy, please inform library director Cathy Thompson. The winter programs will begin soon, with cozy family fun on Saturday mornings and the coffee hour will return in January.
The Chilmark Community Center will be sponsoring a holiday flea market on Saturday, Dec. 11 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. There is still table space available.
My friends at the Federated Church in Edgartown would like to invite you to their annual festival of wreaths on Thursday, Dec. 2 from 6 to 9 p.m. in the parish house on South Summer street. There will be a display of 75 originally designed and hand-decorated natural wreaths for your home or your business. The wreaths will be on display in the Meetinghouse for a silent auction. Admission is $10 and includes hors d’ouevres and two glasses of wine. This will benefit the maintenance of the 1820 Sara Mayhew Parsonage. For further information, please call the church office at 508-627-4421.
Condolences to the family and friends of Carol (Combra) Clark, who passed away at her home on Friday.
Condolences to the family and friends of John Pachico, who passed away this week.
Happy 22nd anniversary wishes to Marshall Lee and Martha Vanderhoop as they observe their special day on Dec. 3.
Happy birthday wishes this week to Josh Bergan as he parties today and shares the day with Martha Thorne and Peter Ochs. Carlos Montoya, Diamond (Ellie) Vanderhoop, and Patricia Scott Albee will all share the day on Nov. 28. Joseph Spinelli, Alfred Alley 3rd, Karl Burgess, Jane Norton, Mary Gould, Sam Low and Steve Tully will all be celebrating their day on Nov. 29.
Noni Smith will observe a major milestone on Nov. 29. Rev. Peter Sanborn, Coltrane Leport, Doris Hamel, Ryan Mendez, John Alley, and Cindi Silvia will all party on Dec. 1. Millicent Smalley, Farley Glavin, Noah Mayrand, Woody Vanderhoop and Vern Welch all share the day on Dec. 3.
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