

Chilmark sends congratulations to the Kohlberg family on the purchase of our wonderful Island newspaper and to the Preservation Trust who now have one of the historic Vineyard houses to take care of as only they can. I know the Kohlbergs have a long Chilmark history, so let’s hope they are readers of this column. We will keep you posted!

Tomorrow, Saturday, Dec. 4 will be the next in a weekly series of the winter farmers’ markets to be held at the Agricultural Hall in West Tisbury. There are about 30 vendors there each week, and the produce includes Mermaid Farm’s yogurt and cheeses, Holly Bellebuono’s herbs in many forms and treats from Jan Buhrman’s Kitchen Porch. The hours are from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and there is hot lunch available. Who could resist a rest in front of the big fireplace and a start at holiday shopping?

The Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival will be at the Community Center tomorrow, Dec. 4, hosting a Family Film Feast with movies perfect for children of all ages. Food will be from the Scottish Bakehouse and there will be music before the films. Fun begins at 5 p.m.

The Martha’s Vineyard Slow Food group will be hosting a meal and meeting at the Chilmark Community Center on Dec. 10 from 6 to 9 p.m. This event is open to the public.

There will be a Flea Market at the community center on Dec. 11 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with vendors of antiques, crafts, food, jewelry and more. Please call Coco Adams if you wish to set up. Here is another opportunity for doing holiday shopping right here in town.

Christmas in Edgartown festivitiies begin on Dec. 10.

Martha’s Vineyard Democratic Council will meet at the Howes House on Dec. 11 at 9 to 10:30 a.m. to meet with Dan Wolf, the state senator elect. All interested Island voters are invited to attend, hear what his priorities are, and express concerns.

Roberta Morgan tells us she will have the Harbor Craft Shop open on Basin Road this weekend. If you get there early she may have some beach plum jelly left!

Bill Vincent, his daughter, Katie, and Katie’s aunt, Sara Keiper, were at the family home on South Road for their first-ever Vineyard Thanksgiving at the house. They enjoyed it all and look forward to many more such reunions.

Shopping at the Allen Farm is always a treat, and Clarissa will have the shop open from Dec. 10 through Dec. 21.

The Martha’s Vineyard Museum will host a forum at the Chilmark library on Dec. 14 beginning at 7 p.m. They hope to hear from Chilmarkers as to what the museum can do for them, so come and bring ideas.

The Chilmark Firefighters Association will host a visit from Santa at their annual children’s party on Dec. 21 at the community center. They start at 5:30 p.m. All Chilmark children are welcome. More details to come. Save the date.

The Chilmark Public Library is offering their annual fine amnesty and food drive through the month of December. All outstanding fines are forgiven for a donation of food to the Food Pantry. They will welcome all donations, even if you don’t have a fine!

The Friends of the Chilmark Library will host their annual holiday party on Dec. 15, beginning at 5 p.m. There will be music, food and wreath-making as always and all are welcome to enjoy the town gathering.

Last week, in this paper, Tom Dresser wrote about attending a recent Bob Dylan concert. His report of the event opened a trapdoor in my memory that brought back many emotions. I don’t remember the year but I had a fifth-floor walk-up on 8th street in Greenwich Village and a 9 to 5 job uptown. My downtown crowd was made up of the folksingers and wannabes that all had Chilmark ties, and we hung out together when we could. Monday nights always meant we went to Gerde’s for what would now be called an open mike night. Most of the group played those nights so we always arrived early and managed to get ourselves seated in front of the small stage. We were there that fateful night when Bob Dylan drifted in from somewhere else and began to play his unusual arrangement of guitar and harmonica. We were surprised, a bit put off and then, finally, enchanted. After that, he was part of the group for the rest of the winter in the Village. By the next winter, we were driving to Boston every weekend to hear Joanie. Too bad I didn’t take pictures, make notes, collect autographs or even try to commit to memory all of the above!