Winter officially begins on Tuesday, and the temperature has jumped around lately almost as much as the Energizer bunny. Warm, spring-like one day, then cold and raw another day. We had a snow flurry Monday morning and the temperature was a frosty 16 degrees on Wednesday. Tuesday also marks the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. So, think positively: the days will be getting a tiny bit longer and seed catalogs have begun to arrive in the mail.
Last Wednesday our son Sam took my wife, Anna, to Roger Williams Hospital in Providence for surgery. I joined them on Friday and we all stayed at her sister’s house. Dr. Dieter Pohl performed the surgery laparoscopically, and amazingly she was back at her sister Nina’s place in three hours. All went well and she is on the mend. My special thanks to them for all the help and support with the operation and recovery. Her sister gave her tickets to a play at the Trinity Repertory Theater last Saturday night. It was an adaptation of the famous movie It’s a Wonderful Life, the same play performed at the Vineyard Playhouse in recent years. The stage was set up as a radio studio at station WBFR in NYC; it was Christmas Eve 1949 and we were the studio audience. It was a fantastic performance and received a standing ovation from the packed theater at its conclusion.
Sam and I did some shopping in East Providence last Sunday. Our first stop was for breakfast, and we were referred to Dee’s Place for the best breakfast in town. The place was packed and indeed the food was excellent. It turned out that Dee has some connection with the Vineyard, and she wishes everyone a happy holiday season. We went to several stores and returned in time to watch the Patriots crush the Bears. We traveled home on Monday.
All is pretty much prepared in most homes for Christmas. After a month of shopping and a lot of decorating, inside and out, families will be gathering together to celebrate this most blessed day. Relax, there is still time for some last-minute gifts for those of you that have not finished or even begun you’re shopping. Reliable Market is busy making fruit baskets. Cherrilla Brown is selling her home-produced salt, which could be another fine stocking present.
This is the fourth Sunday of Advent with Christmas Cantata. On Christmas Eve you may choose to attend one of the two church services led by Rev. Cathlin Baker of the First Congregational Church. At 5 p.m. the annual Children’s Pageant will be held at the Agricultural Hall. Or you may choose to attend a traditional candlelight worship service in the church at 10 p.m. All are welcome to attend a church service.
The boats were packed with people going to the mainland to shop for Christmas last weekend and again today some folks will get a head start traveling off-Island for the holiday to be with their families.
Linda Baughman, of Philadelphia and Music street, is sorry to miss the holidays on the Vineyard but looks forward to next year. In the meantime she wishes everyone a happy holiday season. Dr. Gabrielle Walker, author and environmentalist from London, England, and Lyon, extends her best wishes for a happy holiday season to all and plans on returning in the spring. Cousin Millie Fodor out in Lautenberg, Ohio, extends her holiday greeting to everyone back here.
Lynn Christoffers, of Edgartown Road, returned home last week after a business trip down to New York city and New Jersey to visit family and friends. She is looking forward to spending Christmas at her place. I want to thank her for pinch-hitting for me over at the post office during the family emergency.
Leslei Monast, of Waldron’s Bottom Road, reports that her husband, Will, had a successful knee replacement operation last Friday. All went well and he is expected home this weekend.
Tara Whiting, town clerk, reports that she has the 2011 hunting licenses and stamps for those who want to get a jump on next year or may want to gift it to a friend or relative for Christmas.
Colleen Morris reports that there will be some jazz music with the JC Trio at the library this afternoon at 4 p.m. with, of course, her famous refreshments. There will be scallop shell angel crafts on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Donna Blackburn reports that the Red Stocking Fund has well over 400 children to supply gifts to this holiday season, a record number for the fund. They also find themselves short of toys to share with others and are in desperate need! She understands that times are difficult for all of us; however, if you are able to donate something to a worthy cause it would be greatly appreciated and will be put to good use. You can call her at 508-627-8747.
School will be dismissed at noon on Thursday for the holidays. Students and teachers will enjoy a 10-day recess. School will not open again until the new year, on Jan. 4. Donna Lowell-Bettencourt, principal, Sean Mulvey vice principal, Orlaith Estes, Sue Merrill, the staff and the crossing guards wish everyone a very happy holiday season.
Micheline Sonia reports that the Class of 2012, currently the seventh grade class, is having their seventh annual bake sale tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. down in Vineyard Haven at the Linden Tree location on Main street. This is a fundraiser to help with their cost of their seventh grade ski trip in February. They hope you all will come and purchase some great baked goodies from the great cooks they have. They will have lots of pre-wrapped holiday items to buy and take with you to a holiday party. They will also have hot cider and hot chocolate and a raffle drawing for a large basket of wonderful items to be drawn that afternoon.
Stephanie Dreyer, school librarian, reports that the school library’s 10th annual secondhand book sale for the benefit of the Island Red Stocking Fund ends on Tuesday. This sale has enabled the school to gift over $3,000 to Island friends and families.
“On Dec. 22, 1949 the school presented their Christmas program the same afternoon it closed for the holidays. As the school was without heat due to an electrical failure the exercise was held in the Agricultural Hall. The play Mother Goose Land was presented by students Joan Merry, Walter Vincent, Alice Churchill, Virginia Bardwell, Winifred Alley, Peggy Scott, Rita Alley, Constance Morrow, Meg Wilkinson, John Alley, George Churchill, Shirley Burt, Margaret Duquette, Dixon Rogers, Robin Elwell and Veronica Kelly. Christmas carols were sung by the entire school and recitations given by the students. Miss Helen R. O’Donnell, teacher for all four grades, directed the program with the assistance of Lydia Drew. Refreshments were served by the P.T.A.”
Happy birthday to: Amy Eisenlohr, Lynne Demond, Ann Holmes, Austin Racine and Peter Farley today; Warren Hollinshead, Irene Tewksbury, Melanie Miller, Carol Brandon and Nyama Wingood tomorrow; Janice Manter, Carl Alwardt, Pam Putney, Pat Hughes, Allison Carr and Marcy Klapper on Sunday; Rosalie Powell, Martha Doane, Ray Gale and Sara Roan on Monday; Emma Conley, Cathy Weiss, Alexander Goethals, and Fausta Edey on Tuesday; Taylor Rasmussen, Janice Cramer, Barbara Silk and Carroll Brown on Wednesday; Faith Runner, Wendy Gray, Mark Clements and Cecilia McCarthy on Thursday. Belated birthday greetings to Deborah Pigeon, and anniversary wishes to Bob Bunch and Sandra Polleys.
Well, that is all of the social news for this edition. If you have any news about the holidays and guests at your house, please call or e-mail me.
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