Chilmark is Santa ready! The snow came and went and came again . . . as I write on Wednesday the first snow is gone and there are flurries around town but they are not of any intensity. Therefore, the sleigh and reindeer, the visiting grandparents, the arriving families and all those in motion heading for Chilmark should make it safely!
Togetherness is the word that comes to mind to encompass the news I heard this week. A group of Chilmark families, parents and children, numbering 18 I was told, took themselves up to New Hampshire for a weekend of sledding and adventuring . . . and, no doubt, a small time-out from the Christmas rush. They did find snow and had a grand time.
John Flender is happy to tell us that his son Will Flender’s book Walking Trails of Martha’s Vineyard is about to appear in bookstores in the fourth edition. This updated edition will include many trails not opened before this and will include up-to-date revisions. Isn’t this the perfect way to start your New Year’s resolution — the one about getting out and walking more?
Christmas Eve church services are scheduled all over the Island. Here in town, the Chilmark Community Church will have a candlelight service with carols beginning at 5:30 p.m. with guest harpist Sandy Atwood and organist Carol Loud providing the music. Children are especially welcome at this service.
The West Tisbury Congregational Church invites us to attend Christmas Eve services with music at the West Tisbury Agricultural Hall at 5 p.m. and then at 10 p.m. they will hold a service at the church. All are welcome.
The Federated Church in Edgartown is inviting us all to a Christmas Eve candlelight service on Dec. 24 at 10 p.m. in the 1828 meeting house.
Congratulations to Robert Fokos of Chilmark on receiving his latest patent. He is a pioneer of the modern commercial printing industry and his most recent printing innovation is an integrated cutter delivery system capable of creating an under-shingled product stream. I hope I have that right — when you meet him around town next time, congratulate him and find out if I told it right!
The Friends of the Chilmark Library are hosting a series of movies on Friday evenings. The first one will be on Jan. 7 when they will show the classic film, To Catch a Thief. The public is invited. They are also sponsoring a teen night with a movie and pizza. That will be Jan. 14 and the film is Scott Pilgrim Saves the World. All are welcome. Please call the library at 508-645-3360 for details.
Congratulations to Brigida Larsen, youngest daughter of John and Susan Larsen, who has been selected to serve on the youth crew for the upcoming Avon Boston Walk for Breast Cancer in May. She will take part in the opening and closing programs and assist along the way on the two-day walk. Her mother, Susan Larsen, will be walking again this year. She walked successfully in the 2010 walk and is looking forward with new dedication to this year’s walk. She is dedicating her walk to the men and women of the armed forces who are dealing with breast cancer. I will tell you more about her efforts in future columns. Information about the walk is available at avonwalk.org
The Menemsha Café will continue to serve breakfast and lunch with the hours changing to 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday night suppers will resume in January.
You might want to mark your calendars for an early January event. Luanne Johnson will present a program on Thursday, Jan. 6 at 5 p.m., at the Chilmark Library called Winter Otter Tracking. Luanne is the person who taught us all so much about skunks last year. The public is welcome and there is no charge. The Friends of the Chilmark Library are sponsoring the program.
Best wishes to you all for whatever you celebrate at this time of the year. I personally choose to celebrate the opportunity to share Chilmark with so many of you and to continue to value the Island life of caring and sharing. Cheers to all!
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