Chilmark is snowless as I write midweek. We are eyeing the next storm coming along and hoping it also brings us rain.
Wednesday afternoon an overflow crowd turned out to discuss the wind turbine applications of two Chilmark farms, the Allen Farm and the Grey Barn Farm. The zoning board of appeals called the public hearing and many responded. Much more can be learned about this ongoing story elsewhere in this paper. As always, I was heartened by the large turnout of townspeople who really care about their town and their neighbors.
It is hard shaking any news out of folks. Many are poised for travel and will soon enjoy the snows of the mainland. However, those who remain are hard at work on town projects as it is budget time and annual report time. Reports are due in town hall Feb. 1, to remind all those of you who must write one.
Chilmark friends will be happy to learn of the following engagement. David and Patricia Schulte of Chicago and Chilmark announce the engagement of their daughter, Alexandra June Gordon, to Alex M. Noe, son of Paula H. Noe and the late Dr. Joel M. Noe of Brookline and Chilmark. Miss Gordon is also the daughter of the late Jerome J. Gordon II. The date for the wedding has not yet been set. Let’s hope Chilmark will be included in some of the festivities! Cheers from us all!
The Friday night movie this week at the Chilmark library is The Philadelphia Story. Friday family movies begin at 7 p.m. and offer free drinks and popcorn. All are welcome. The library will also offer a Chowder and Movie day on Jan. 26 at noon when the movie will be The Hours. All are invited to enjoy the movie and the chowder free of charge.
Chilmark cook and more, Jan Buhrman, is taking her business, Kitchen Porch, to Ojai, Calif., to be part of a food retreat from Jan. 31 to Feb. 4. There will be yoga, music and food, some with local origins. It will include many cooking lessons and trips to local areas of interest. The public is invited. Please go to kitchenporch.com for more details.
The United Methodist Church Society of Martha’s Vineyard will sponsor a day of first aid training at the Chilmark Community Church, education building. Peter Tennant, an American Heart Association certified instructor, will teach the Heimlich maneuver. This will take place on Saturday, Jan. 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. We are invited to bring a sandwich lunch and learn this important skill.
The Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living is hosting the second in their series of cultural lunches on Saturday, Jan. 29 from noon to 2 p.m. at The Grille on Main in Edgartown. This month’s theme is Black History Month and Tom Dresser will speak about his book, African Americans on Martha’s Vineyard, with Elaine Weintraub and Carrie Tankard, the cofounders of the African American Heritage Trail on Martha’s Vineyard. More information and tickets may be purchased from Leslie Clapp at 508-939-9440.
The Democratic Caucus will meet on Sunday, Feb. 13 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at the Chilmark Town Hall, upstairs meeting room. The members will elect a delegate and alternate to the state Democratic convention. They all will need to elect a new chairman, as Warren Doty is stepping down from that office.
Well, a year has passed and nobody has cured breast cancer yet. Chilmarker and cancer survivor Susan Larsen is well aware of that fact and is beginning her journey for a second year. She will prepare herself to walk the two-day Avon Walk for Cancer in Boston in May. She is again asking us to sponsor her, and we can go to the Web site avonwalk.org/goto/susan.larsen to make our pledges. This year Susan and John’s daughter, Brigida, has been chosen to be one of 12 young teens who will participate as a member of the 2011 Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Boston Youth Crew. This year Susan plans to walk for fitness preparation but will also do biking, weight training, yoga and much more. We will continue to update you on her efforts and we will hope for a good showing for Susan, Brigida and for Chilmark in this year’s Avon Walk.
The Chilmark School winter concert will be Jan. 26 at the community center. Please check the school for details.
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