One of the saddest notes I ever had to read was posted on the door of the Ocean View and in the bar when I went for lunch last Monday. It reads: “Due to the recent demise of the New England Patriots, the Ocean View will be closed on Sunday nights.” Bad enough that Deb Little and I watched the game together and were anticipating a different outcome. It certainly threw us into a tailspin. Well, as we say in baseball, wait ’til next year.
I missed out on some news while I was away, and/or neglected to inform you. I never mentioned the Scottish Society of Martha’s Vineyard’s 24th annual Burns Nicht dinner, which is tomorrow night at the Harbor View Hotel in Edgartown. Ed Pierce already has sent in the dinner requests for the chefs so I’ll find out next week what I missed in the way of haggis, piping, Celtic harp, and Scottish songs. Put me down for next year, Ed.
I also returned to find out the Mansion House is offering its “staycation” for Islanders during this month as they did last January. My sister in law, yet another Nancy Gardella, and I had a fabulous time last year. Brian at the desk says the weekends are filling up but many weekdays are still available. This year the luxury of a night downtown is based on double occupancy with a price you can’t beat with a stick. Call 508-693-2200 and book your room.
The Mansion House also hosts the postponed Martha’s Vineyard Women’s Network goal setting seminar on Tuesday, Jan. 25 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Bonnie Marcus is the leader and coach. A light lunch will be served. Reserve your spot at Tours of the spa and fitness center will be available from 11 a.m. on.
Phyllis and Woody Williams were in my old country at the same time I was. They went to visit their daughter, Vanessa, and her fiancé, Evan, in Dobbs Ferry. A trip to the Statue of Liberty and the USS Intrepid sea-air-space museum was planned, but the blizzard forced the closing of both these events. Dobbs Ferry is just a few towns away from White Plains, yet while we had 18 inches of snow, they got 26 inches. So the gang spent quality family time. As soon as the roads were passable again, Phyllis and Vanessa went shopping. The trip is back on for better weather and I am hoping to join them. I have been to the Statue of Liberty many times; it always gets my heart a-flutter. I have passed by but never visited the Intrepid and I certainly want to. On a small world note, Vanessa is attending Pace University’s School of Law, which is now on the campus of where I went to Good Counsel Academy and my mother graduated from Good Counsel College, then taught Italian there for years. Vanessa has received such good grades in last semester’s finals that she is up for another scholarship and for an exchange semester in London. She is employed at a White Plains law firm, always useful knowledge for me if I ever get in trouble back in the old country.
Our library continues with many activities. A new series, featuring exhibits from Island artists, is called Art in the Stacks. It began on Wednesday with Patricia Carlet’s acrylics. It will run through March 5. After that you will have an opportunity to enjoy more of your favorite Vineyard artists.
Food for fines continues through January. Bring your late books or videos back to the library with nonperishable food items as a donation and your fees are forgiven.
Tomorrow all ages may play Wii bowling at the library from 2 to 4 p.m.
In honor of Robert Burns, the movie Tuesday, Jan. 25 at 7 p.m. in the program room will be a 1983 Burt Lancaster vehicle based on a Scottish theme.
On Wednesday, Jan. 26 a PG-rated tween movie will be shown from 3 to 4:30 p.m. with free popcorn. Doesn’t our library crew keep busy!
The Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living presents the second of its winter cultural luncheons on Saturday, Jan. 29 from noon to 2 p.m. at The Grill on Main in Edgartown. Tom Dresser will hold forth on his book, African Americans on Martha’s Vineyard. Call Leslie Clapp at 508-939-9440 to reserve your seat.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Carol Whitmarsh, Noah Casner, Annie McEvoy, Cameron Moore, Derek and Travis Fennell and Ned Hehre today. Tomorrow is claimed by Donna Bouchard. Jan. 23 shines on Lisa Jannace Meade and Yesmin Silva. Jan. 24 is shared by Katie Campbell and Eva Balbino Dias. We all remember Robert Burns on Jan. 25 along with Bunny Davis and Kristen Pachico. Jan. 26 is for Shirley McCarthy. And on Jan. 27 Emma Beach, Jesse Steere, Caroline Davey, Gail Burke and Fatima Silva take the cake. Many happy returns.
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