To address the need of postnatal support a group of Island moms, doctors, maternity nurses, midwives, health, yoga and childcare practitioners, and members of the Martha’s Vineyard Family Network have created a free monthly series entitled Nurturing Our Babies and Ourselves, an educational series to enhance the parenting journey.

The series takes place on successive Thursdays, beginning June 2, from noon to 1 p.m. at the Family Center located in the Regional High School.

The topic on June 2 will be Postnatal Health and Fitness with Elissa Lash and Sherry Sidoti. On June 9 Gentle Sleep for Babies Under Six Months with Rebekah Thomson will take center stage. On June 16 Dardanella Slavin will host a talk called Teach Your Baby to Love Healthy Food. June 23 will feature another good sleeping habits session with Rebekah Thomson, this time targeting pesky nonsleepers age six months to five years.

And on June 30 Jennifer Knight discusses Happy Moms, Healthy Families: How to Nourish Yourself when Raising a Family.

All of the classes are free and everyone is welcome; moms, dads, caregivers. There is no need to R.S.V.P.

For more information, call 508-693-7900, extension 288.