Baseball Team Creates Feeding Frenzy Warning: The following contains numerous digestive metaphors. It could not be avoided. The Martha’s Vineyard Sharks baseball team is famished. Their winter feeding grounds were dormant. Time usually spent enjoying seal sandwiches was eaten up by paper work. An inaugural baseball season is not just a dine-and-dash proposition. It requires desk jockeying and phone mangling, neither task usually on the shark preferred catch-of-the-day menu. But that’s all over now. The bellyful of i’s and t’s have been dotted and crossed. The Sharks are now ready to do what they do best. Think hungry, snaggletoothed and ready to swallow the competition whole. The opening meal takes place next Friday, June 10 at 5 p.m. at the restaurant, nay ballfield, also known as the Martha’s Vineyard High School. The Sharks open wide against the Seacoast Mavericks. Hmmm, sounds more like an appetizer. Maverick munchies anyone? To whet everyone’s appetite the Sharks are hosting a player meet-and-greet on Wednesday, June 8 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Mansion House in Vineyard Haven. It’s free. At least in terms of what’s in your wallet. Best keep your fingers to yourselves, though. Remember, a hungry shark is, well, a hungry shark. Go sharks, go sharp teeth, go writer coming up with a new metaphor scheme.