Hail, hail, the gang’s all here! Wanda has returned from Connecticut as have Paul and Marge Howes. Jim and Trude Hart have come up from Florida. The Stokes have been represented by daughter Carrie, son Wes, and his lady friend, Julia Ann. Mareda Gaither-Graves was here from White Plains, preparing for her annual Performer’s Workshop in July. She will return soon. This is an opportunity to study with Mareda and James Ian Nie, both accomplished musicians. The cost of the program for nonresidents is $1,100, but Islanders can sign up for $500. Call Mareda at 914-683-6455 or write to her at P.O. Box 354, White Plains, NY 10605. However, final payment is due on June 15 so you might want to call. For those of us who aren’t musically talented, well, we will be able to enjoy their programs after they have trained their students. I’ll see you there.
On Tuesday, June 7, at the Grange Hall in West Tisbury there will be a preview of arts and culture available on Island this summer. It is a great chance for hoteliers, real estate companies and all of us to learn where we can send our guests and what will be available to them. The program is from 2 to 6 p.m. For more details, send an e-mail to
Our Legion Auxiliary will hold its final meeting of the season at a 6 p.m. dinner at the Ocean View on Tuesday, June 14. I’ll see you there.
The Friends of the Vineyard Haven Public Library are holding their annual art show featuring the works of more than 20 artists. Among them are Barney Zeitz, Michael Wooley, Kathy Poeh-ler, Ruth DeWilde-Major and Anne Caldwell. The show runs from June 7 to 18.
The children’s and Tween Time events are on hiatus for the month of June at our library as they prepare for the annual summer reading program. I’ll keep you posted on July events.
I’m giving you a heads-up to register now for an important meeting at the Tisbury Senior Center on Monday, June 13, at 5:30 p.m. The subject is Making the Best of a Bad Situation. What if you haven’t planned for long-term nursing care? A light supper will be served, but you must register with Joyce ahead of time at 508-696-4205.
Your RSVP is needed by June 13 to attend the annual American Red Cross volunteers’ picnic, which is always a fun event. The picnic will be held in Yarmouth from 6 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, June 16. There will be scallops wrapped in bacon, crab cakes, beef teriyaki, all kinds of delicious fare. Call 774-836-7346 to reserve your spot. And thank you, volunteers.
For those of us who can’t get off Island that day, the Katharine Cornell Theatre will be the site of the annual Bloomsday celebration featuring the works of James Joyce. John Crelan has run this event for more than 30 years, probably the longest-running Bloomsday fest anywhere. The show starts at 8 p.m., admission is $15 and well worth it. Call 508-696-0539 for details or contact John at
Tom Dresser’s new book is in the window at Bunch of Grapes. The title is The Wampanoag Tribe of Martha’s Vineyard: Colonization to Recognition. As usual, Tom will be presenting a talk about his work at the libraries, I will keep you posted on dates.
The birthday bandwagon is overloaded today: Taylor Pierce, Sarah Lolley, Ravier da Costa, Myra Stark, Chaya Rubenstein, Bill Blakesley, Arthur Battistini and Justin Smith. Tomorrow is shared by Ben Crisman, Peggy Tileston, Arthur Lenna and Josh Kochin. June 5 honors Mat Hebert and Margie Meltzer. June 6 is shared by Hildy Mitchell and Denise Searle. June 7 belongs to Trude Hart and Grace Murphy. June 8 is for Wendy Fitting, Pat Garza and Marshall Cole Pratt. And on June 9 Tasha Bahal, Elizabeth Baldwin and Naromar DePaula take the cake. Many happy returns.
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