The Martha’s Vineyard Women’s Network has elected new officers for its 2011-2012 programming and education season.

Jan Pogue, owner of Vineyard Stories, has been elected president. Vice president is Danielle Bailey, owner of Kiddo’s in Oak Bluffs. Margo Urbany-Joyce, financial advisor with Ameriprise Financial in Edgartown, after three years as president, is treasurer. Kristin Buck, formerly of the Visiting Nursing Association, is secretary.

Other board members are: Dawn Braasch, owner of Bunch of Grapes; Annie Sylvia of Sandpiper Realty; Jennifer Rankow of Jennifer Rankow Therapeutic Massage; and Debra Gaines of Debra Gaines Fine Arts.

The women’s business group currently has over 100 members and recently awarded two $2,500 grants to small businesses on the Vineyard. For more information, see online.