We send condolences to all of Chilmark, grieving this week because of the death on Tuesday of Ozzie Fischer, family man, farmer and friend to all who met him, who is and will be greatly missed. He was wise and witty and his many talents were sheltered in a humble and reverent demeanor. We all enjoyed our contacts with Ozzie and our knowledge that he shared our Chilmark. We are all the better for his having been amongst us and we shall always miss him. We celebrate that he had such a long and productive life and wonderful family. There will be a service at 10 a.m. at St. Augustine’s Church in Vineyard Haven on Friday, July 29, and a celebration of his life will be scheduled for the fall.
The Chilmark Firemen’s Association will host their annual Back Yard Bash behind the Community Center on August 3 from 5 to 8 p.m. There will be food and music for all at no charge. It is suggested that you bring a blanket or a chair and come join the fun.
The selectmen will hold their annual open meeting at the community center on August 4 at 7 p.m. and all residents, seasonal and more, are invited to attend.
Marianne Neill will be showing her new landscape paintings at the Chilmark branch of the Sovereign Bank from July 29 to August 5. There will be an artist’s reception today, July 29 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the bank.
The Aquinnah Library invites us to a musical program to be held outdoors, on the porch of the library, on August 4 from 5 to 7 p.m. The musicians taking part are Gracious Calamity, Nate Sprague and Kurt Weisman. All ages are welcome at no charge.
Congratulations to Chilmark Police Chief Brian Cioffi who rappelled — climbed down — the 22 stories of the Boston Hyatt Regency Hotel on July 23 as part of a fund-raising athletic event for the benefit of Special Olympics. Cheers from us all, Brian!
Bob and Phyllis Conway had visits last week from their daughter, Robin Morley, of Schooley’s Mt., N.J. and their granddaughter, Tara Morley, of New York city and their granddaughter, Kathryn Conway, and her friend, Jay, of Mt. Olive, N.J.
The Chilmark Public Library will offer some amusements and some enlightenment for us all this week. On August 3 Vicki Divoll will speak at 5:30 p.m. She will address the problem: Can the President Keep Counterterrorist Operations Secret from Congress? All are welcome at no cost.
Kate Feiffer will talk about her new book, My Side of the Car, and read it aloud for the children, on Monday, August 8, at 10:30 a.m. at the library.
Librarian Kristin Maloney of the Chilmark library will introduce Madeline, a storybook character, to the children at the Chilmark Community Center on Tuesday, August 9, at 11 a.m. All are welcome. The Martha’s Vineyard Library Association is sponsoring this program.
The sunset at Menemsha on Wednesday night was memorable for many reasons. Those who came by car and parked on the sides of the road all the way up D.H.’s Hill met many challenges just getting to and from their cars. The sunset always pleases but is the stress of getting there worth it? Of course it is, I am just old and jaded. The evening was wonderful and, I am sure, made many happy memories.
David Damroth will have an exhibit of his photography at the Chilmark branch of the Sovereign Bank from August 5 to 12. There will be an artist’s reception on August 5 from 4 to 6 p.m. David’s show is called the Nature of the Vineyard.
Over South Antiques will be selling the original posters of the Mooncusser Coffeehouse that was on Circuit avenue, once the home of folk music on the Vineyard back in the 1960s. The sale of the posters will be on Saturday and Sunday at the shop on Basin Road.
Save August 10 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. for at the Chilmark Library Robert Groves will talk about saving old New England houses. He is a contractor and restorer who is interested in preserving what is old and restoring to close to original condition whatever he can. The subject will be of interest to those who are hoping to restore the Tea Lane farmhouse for the town of Chilmark.
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