West Tisbury selectmen agreed this week to move a World War II memorial from an inaccessible and rarely visited site at the intersection of West Tisbury and State Roads to a location closer to town hall. The exact site near town hall has been up for debate as selectmen originally proposed placing it near a holly tree in front of the building, but others have suggested that the memorial be closer to a flag.
At the Wednesday selectmen’s meeting Cynthia Mitchell, responding to a letter to the editor published a week ago in the Gazette from town highway superintendant Richard Olsen, suggested the memorial be moved to the flagpole area next to the town hall. Her fellow selectmen agreed; the board said the hope is to move the memorial sometime this fall.
Selectmen also briefly discussed their mode of transportation in the August 16 Agricultural Fair 150th anniversary parade. Town administrator Jen Rand suggested a goat cart.
“They’re awesome,” she said. “They’re little tiny carts that are pulled by goats.”
Selectman Richard Knabel was not persuaded.
“I’ve never known goats to go where you want them to,” he said. Selectmen agreed that they would prefer to be conveyed by horse and buggy.
Town emergency management director John Christensen also appeared at Wednesday’s meeting to put out the word that he is seeking more Twitter followers. Mr. Christensen has recently begun using the Twitter account @WestTisburyEMD to keep people apprised of emergency situations.
“It would be more useful if I had more than 14 followers,” he said.
Mr. Christensen said he was aware of the pitfalls of entering the twitterverse.
“I actually stopped following somebody and they can tell by the count and can find out who stopped following them,” he said. “But it’s not as bad as unfriending someone.”
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