Chilmark is heading into the last weekend of a busy season stretching from early June to October. After this holiday, things will go slack a bit for those of us who live and work here. It is a feeling we are now looking forward to, although we seem to gear up and be ready for the rush again each spring. The very mild and summery weather has been a pleasant surprise for this time of year . . . although I am not sure it makes for the best fishing. Many fishermen are still in Menemsha angling for the prizewinners, as the derby isn’t over yet!
Congratulations to Donny and Hildy Mitchell of Vineyard Haven as they celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Oct. 10. Donny grew up in Quansoo in the historic house now owned by Sheriff’s Meadow. Cheers from us all!
Bayard and Suzanne Kellam of Providence were at their home on D.H.’s Hill this past week. Bayard enjoyed a motorcycle tour of eastern Europe this summer.
Chilmark was the locale for a reunion of the sixth grade class of 1956 of Fieldston Lower School of Fieldston, N.Y. Four of the classmates have homes on the Vineyard. Twenty classmates came here and were hosted by Jay Lagemann, Jane Piore Gilman of Chilmark, Tony Condliff of Vineyard Haven and Nicky Van Nes of West Tisbury.
Congratulations to John and Anna Alley of West Tisbury on the occasion of their 29th anniversary. John is the faithful reporter of all things West Tisbury in this paper and has been for many of those years. We all send you cheers for another great year!
Emily Gadd has cleaned up her gardens on South Road and, after a busy and cheery summer, is headed back to Bozeman, Mont., for some winter fun.
Marianne Neill will have a show of her recent gouache paintings at the Chilmark Library from now until Oct. 29. The artist’s reception will be on Saturday, Oct. 8, from 3 to 5 p.m. The paintings may be seen during regular library hours.
Zee Gamson, the chairman of the Chilmark Democratic party, announces that there will be a meeting of Chilmark Democrats in the selectmen’s meeting room at the Chilmark town hall on Oct. 22 at 3 p.m. for all interested voters.
Cheers from us all to Eric Carroll and Gwen Mayhew who were married on Oct. 1. in town. Gwen is the daughter of Greg and Lois Mayhew and part of the larger Chilmark family. We are happy for them and wish them well.
The third part of a four-part BBC documentary about Sissinghurst will be shown at the Chilmark Library on Oct. 12 at 5:30 p.m. The public is invited at no cost. The series is a special presentation by the Friends of the Chilmark Library who have arranged this with the BBC and the author.
The United States Coast Guard has sent the town some preliminary plans for the new boathouse to be built in Menemsha where the previous boathouse stood. We are invited to look at the plans on the Chilmark town Web site and to attend a public hearing on Oct. 25, at 7 p.m., at the town hall. The plans are also at town hall for your viewing.
Nov. 1 is the date that the first folks will move into the Middle Line affordable housing units. An open house is planned and I will have the details next week.
Ann Deitrich is back at her South Road home after a walking and hiking vacation in England that she reports was most enjoyable.
Kelly Kreyling of Virginia is visiting his mother, Evelyn Kreyling at the Coleman home on South Road. She tells us that the annual Justin Lord Coleman Hikeathon will take place at 150 South Road at noon on Oct. 15. Two groups will hike, some on a longer hike than others. For information call 508-645-2261.
The Chilmark Church will host the Rev. Richard Olson, retired Lutheran minister from Edgartown, on Sunday, Oct. 16 at 9 a.m.
William and Betsy Stetcher of Waynesville, N.C., made a one-day visit to Chilmark to allow Betsy Kirshman Stetcher to renew old friendships she made 60 or so years ago when she spent the summer in Chilmark and worked locally. Harriette Poole Otteson drove them around and found many who remembered her.
And lastly, thanks, Steve Jobs, for almost everything.
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