Long Putt Nets $10,000
Stuart Minton’s deft skills on the putting green won him $10,000 after he sank a 40-foot putt in the 12th annual Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank Golf Classic on Monday, Sept. 26, hosted by the Vineyard Nursing Association.
Mr. Minton, part of the Donaroma’s Nursery foursome, became the first player in the history of the golf classic to win the putting contest. He was selected to make the prize-winning putt after his name was drawn from a pool of qualifiers.
Seventy-two golfers enjoyed a sunny, summerlike day on the course at the Vineyard Golf Club. Play was a scramble format, with several chances at hole-in-one prizes, along with prizes for lowest gross and net scores.
Players also had a chance to buy raffle tickets for the chance to win two Putnam Club luxury seats for the Oct. 9 Patriots vs. Jets game with round-trip limo ride to Gillette Stadium. Adam Devine of Boston-based XS Insurance Brokers donated the club tickets. The winning ticket, picked by Mr. Devine, went to Mark Bagdigian.
The tournament is an annual fundraising event for the VNA; proceeds help to offset the gap between the cost of home medical services and reimbursement rates from Medicare and private insurers.
The VNA would like to thank all players and sponsors for contributing to another successful golf classic!
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