Metabolic Boot Camp

Vineyarders, do not ask whether the metabolic boot camp wants you, rather ask whether your metabolism wants boot camp.

If that sounds a bit heavy on the system, what with all those boots stomping all over your cells, think again. This camp, hosted by Jan Buhrman and run by food expert John Bagnola, is designed to lighten the load on your system so you can take your body from feeling like an old Pinto wagon to a souped-up Bondmobile.

Mr. Bagnola and Ms. Buhrman will be creating a five-day cleanse taking place here on the Island from Oct. 23 to 28 that includes hikes, yoga, delicious food and cooking demonstrations, plus recipes for true lifestyle change.

For a complete description of the program and pricing options, with housing or without, call 508-645-5000 or visit