The best local free-range heritage turkeys are on sale now at the Farm Institute. These pastured birds will remind you why local food is the best food. Almost bred out of production, these birds are making a comeback due to their superior flavor and biological diversity. Turkeys are $6.50 a pound with a range of weights available. Please specify desired weight when reserving your turkey. Call Meredith at 508-627-7007, extension 103, or e-mail to order today. Pick up is the week before Thanksgiving.
Popular demand says it all. The Farm Institute announces an additional three-month winter meat CSA from December to February. Sign up now for the best local beef, chicken and pork the Island has to offer. The three-month CSA is $240. Pick up is the first week of each month at the Farm Institute.
For every 10 chickens purchased at the Farm Institute now through Christmas, the farm will donate a chicken to the Island Food Pantry. Come down to the farm and stock your freezer with delicious Cornish Rocks and Kosher Kings. Help us help others.
Call to register your five to seven year old for our popular Wednesday after-school program. Join Meredith and do an afternoon chore and help with a special farm project. The program runs now through Nov. 16 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Fee is $15 per child. Friday FIT, our longest running program, is every Friday from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. for ages 11 and up now through Nov. 18. Fee is $15 per child.
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