Martha Dunham’s sisters, Pat and Nancy of Northampton, spent last week visiting Martha and the whole big family on Island. The ladies shopped, toured, visited, gossiped, cooked, played cards and quilted together. I’ll bet they even ate some of that applesauce Martha put up last month.
No tricks but great treats at the Mansion House for Halloween night. The price per room is right at $66.66 on Monday, Oct. 31. Come in costume or as you are. Visit or call 508-693-2200.
Don’t forget to book your reservation at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum for historian Liz Villard’s tour of our Tisbury Village Cemetery off Centre Street and Franklin tomorrow at 3 p.m. This is one of our Island’s oldest and most interesting graveyards. Refreshments to follow. Call 508-627-4441, extension 110 to make your reservation.
You can stay downtown tomorrow night for a jury prize winner at the Sundance Film Festival at 7:30 p.m. Our Martha’s Vineyard Film Society hosts Being Elmo: A Puppeteer’s Journey at the Katharine Cornell Theatre. You will become acquainted with Kevin Clash who has voiced and operated Elmo all these years.
Our library is now open on Sundays, but what a great party is in store for this Sunday! Parents and kids of all ages are welcome to come in costume from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. for a spooktacular good time with games, treats and witchy music. I’ll see you there.
Because Tuesday, Nov. 1 is a half day at Tisbury School, the library is offering a free Disney classic at 1 p.m. for all ages. The film runs 75 minutes and is rated G. All are welcome and popcorn will be served. I’ll see you there.
Tuesday night at the library join us in the program room at 7 p.m. for award-winning science journalist Wendy Williams. Wendy will hold forth on Kraken, the Curious, Exciting and Slightly Disturbing Science of Squid. Sounds very interesting. I remember my grandmother making me eat squid and I hated it.
Mark C. Wilkins will kick off his series on local shipwrecks at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum on Thursday night, Nov. 3 at 5:30 p.m. The museum is on School street in Edgartown. The first lecture will be about the Cape’s oldest shipwreck disaster, the Sparrow-Hawk. Visit for details.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along John Rancourt, Shawna Amaral, and Corliss Maciel today. Tomorrow is shared by Lil Colligan and Jim Norton Sr. Halloween goes to Frances Graziani and Deva Lieberman. Nov. 1 is claimed by Guillherme Leao. Nov. 2 shines on Mauro Cotta and John Mayhew. And on Nov. 3 Jonas Budris takes the cake. Many happy returns.
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