Susan Savory, a woman whose name speaks to time in the kitchen, spends her days cooking up a different sort of delectable. Ms. Savory is in charge of the children’s books at the Bunch of Grapes Bookstore. Her title may be manager of kids’ books, or something to that effect, but that seems so corporate a moniker when describing someone who so embodies her work she appears almost like a character in a children’s book herself. Perhaps Fairy Godmother of Little People’s Literature might be closer to the mark. Or how about Wise Woman of the Wee to Teen Words?

In any case, a book lady by any other name would sound as sweet. Besides, there’s more to tell.

Ms. Savory is now holding story hours at the Bunch of Grapes, located on Main street in Vineyard Haven, each Saturday at 10:30 a.m. To hear her read is one thing; to pick her brain about book choices for kids is to realize entire new universes to pull children away from the flotsam of batteries and electricity, such measly fuel really, to the jet propulsion properties of the imagination.

This Saturday the book in question is Balloons Over Broadway by Melissa Sweet. There will also be crafts involving balloon floats.

For a full list of Saturday titles call 508-693-2291 or visit the store’s Web site at