There is a four-letter word that begins with “F” which I absolutely detest. This month it is on the tongues of animal lovers everywhere and on the skin of their pets. The word is “flea.” Every silver lining has a cloud. While we have been enjoying these mild and sunny days, my vets inform me that the longer warm days have extended — in fact, increased — the flea season. Even if you treat your pets regularly, as I do, with the appropriate medicines, it is a flea festival out there. I was told the first frost will kill the outdoor fleas but by now, of course, they are in our homes. The only solution to that is to vacuum every day. I’m looking forward to that like a colonoscopy.
On the other hand, two of my favorite four letter words are “book” and “read.” Some of us in the hood have a rather informal book club. We recommend titles and lend to each other, but we don’t always meet to dissect the contents. The group, many seasonals, are Marge and Paul Howes, Trude and Jim Hart, Christine Paffendorf, Wanda Denton and me. While I usually read books seasonally — in other words, I should be on a football book right now — I’m sending thanks to Paul Howes for recommending the nonfiction Area 51 by Annie Johnston. It’s everything you thought you knew about the Cold War, and more. Each sentence is like a bullet loaded with information, nothing is extraneous. Our library kindly got it for me from the Woods Hole Library, I shall return it in three more days if you want to put in your request.
Speaking of our library, it is now open on Sundays from noon to 4 p.m. Free movie night is at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays in the program room from now through Jan. 3. Come see old classics, new films and enjoy free popcorn and cider. Next Tuesday’s offering is the hit Water for Elephants. I’ll see you there.
Grownups and youngsters are invited to our library’s annual holiday party on Wednesday, Dec. 7 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Kids will congregate with treats and games in the children’s room. The rest of us will mingle upstairs. At 6 p.m. the Tashmoo Trio, consisting of Christine Box McLean, Penny Huff and Chris Seidel, will perform for our enjoyment. Don’t miss this annual fun fest!
Okay, I know a whole lot of you had guests for Thanksgiving or went off to friends’ and relatives’. I am waiting for the reports. I spent mine with friends at our VFW and had a grand time. I think they might have outdone last year’s record of cooking 23 turkeys. I’ll check on that.
Donations are accepted through Wednesday, Dec. 7 for Jewelry Jingle, a fundraiser for our Martha’s Vineyard Museum. Mail your trinkets to MVM, P.O.Box 1310, Edgartown, or bring bling to the museum. Jewelry is always a sought-after gift.
Featherstone continues with its annual holiday sale, featuring local artists with gifts ranging from five dollars to $250. Call 508-693-1850 for details, or meet me there between noon and 4 p.m. daily through Christmas Eve.
The Mansion House extends cyber Monday deals through Dec. 6. Use “cyber Monday” as a password online at or by calling 1-800-332-4112 to reserve your visit through the holidays. The password entitles you to a $50 gift certificate at their famous Zephrus restaurant.
I’m giving you over a week’s notice to be ready to attend the First Baptist Church dinner and movie at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 10 at the Parish House. The family-style meal is spaghetti and meatballs; the movie is the classic A Christmas Carol. Grownups get in for $8, kids are admitted for $5.
I thank all of you who called or sent cards or flowers on the death of my faithful companion, Haley. It’s difficult to get used to, even with Silvio and Lil’Bit still barking up the premises. I thank this newspaper for reprinting on page 10 of last week’s issue the story of Haley and me and our great adventure in the swamp. I wanted you all to remember her when she was in her prime.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Allison Silva, Mitch Wertlieb and Lucy DiTerlizzi today. Tomorrow is shared by John Alley and Charles Beal. Dec. 4 is a party for Travis Gramkowski, Neuza Tate, Melanie Godek and Beth McCormick. Dec. 5 honors Mark Zajackowski and Paresa Paiva. Dec. 6 belongs to Emily Diamond, Kevin Sullivan, Elise Thomas and Robert MacKay Sr. Dec. 7 is for Larry Bird and Rose Cogliani. And on Dec. 8, Janey Sobel and Pat Codding take the cake. Many happy returns.
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