On Saturday, Dec. 3, the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival begins its winter series. Approximately once a month the film-savvy gang up in Chilmark bring a warm blast of air to the Chilmark Community Center by providing a night for everyone. At 5 p.m. there is a kids’ collection of short films, plus food and activities for the little ones. At 6:30 p.m. there is a full-on community dinner with local farm food and then at 7:30 the adults take center stage with a film guaranteed to jumpstart the brain rather than deaden it with simplistic escapist fare. It is a night not to be missed.
This Saturday’s film is Farmageddon, a documentary that tells the story of small, family farms forced to stop growing crops through misguided government bureaucracies. Follow the money and expensive lobbyists, anyone?
The movie will be followed by a discussion with local farmers and is copresented by Slow Food Martha’s Vineyard. And the community dinner, in case anyone didn’t know what they would be missing without small family farms, will be cooked by Chris Fischer and include baked pasta with Beetlebung Farm ground beef and tomato sauce, roasted and pureed Morning Glory Farm squash with sage, sautéed Beetlebung Farm kale with garlic and lemon, and chopped salad with greens from Beetlebung and Morning Glory Farms. For kids there will be pasta with olive oil with cheese on the side and steamed Beetlebung Farm carrots.
The cost for the kids’ portion of the evening is free for MVFF members and $5 for nonmembers. The screening of Farmageddon is $6 for MVFF or Slow Food members and $12 for nonmembers. The dinner is $10 for adults and $5 for kids.
For more details, visit tmvff.org or call 508-645-9599.
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