Congratulations to Philip Weinstein on his recent achievement. The Society for the Study of Southern Literature has chosen Phil’s Becoming Faulkner as the best book on Southern literature written in 2010. They are bestowing upon him the Hugh Holman Award. Of course, Phil is delighted to have been chosen. The last of his four book discussions on Colonial Encounters, each given at a different Vineyard library over the course of the fall, will take place on Thursday, Dec. 15 at 4 p.m. at the Oak Bluffs Library. This one is on the Nigerian writer Buchi Emecheta’s Joys of Motherhood.
Aquinnah’s own musical director Jan Wightman will lead the Minnesingers in their holiday Christmas concert this evening at the Old Whaling Church. The concert will be 8 to 10 p.m. Tickets are $15 per person, children under 12 will be admitted free. A matinee concert will take place on Sunday, Dec. 11 at 4 p.m. Tickets for that performance are $10.
Aquinnah’s prima ballerina Stephanie Hecht and her RISE Vineyard Performing Arts students present Season’s Greetings II at the Oak Bluffs School auditorium on Sunday, Dec. 11, with performances at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children. The performances will benefit scholarship aid for children. For more information, please call 508-693-2262.
Speaking of holiday shopping, Coco Adams and assistants will hold a Big Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 17 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Chilmark Community Center. There will be treasures for all to enjoy, including antiques, books, leather work, glassware, jewelry, linens, art work and stocking stuffers.
Michael and Eleanor Hebert returned home on Sunday evening after meeting with 60 of their travel club members at the Newport Playhouse and Cabaret Restaurant for the performance of Never Get Smart with an Angel. They were accompanied by yours truly as their guest and the guest of Cosmo and Elia Dell-Anno. The play was hilarious, the cabaret very humorous, the luncheon delectable and the fellowship rewarding.
Anne Vanderhoop Madison is once again inviting everyone to her annual Christmas open house. This year she would like everyone to bring with them a one-page composition with the theme being “life so far.” The essay may be about special events, joys or any other aspect of your life thus far, and will be anonymous. Eventually, these compositions will be made into a booklet. All are welcome to attend Anne’s potluck open house, but it is not necessary to bring a dish as she has a lot of food to share.
Condolences to the family and friends of Barbara (Francis) Silvia, who passed away on Dec. 2 at Massachusetts General Hospital. Barbara enjoyed many gatherings at the tribal events as the wife of the late Tribal Elder Gilbert Silvia. Most important, she was always with her children, Kenneth, Michael and Deborah, and grandchildren during tribal gatherings over the years. Barbara had a warm smile for everyone and a huge heart. She will be fondly remembered for her dedication to the Red Stocking Fund.
Thank you to Geoffrey (Spa) Tharpe for again putting up a large peace sign overlooking Menemsha Pond from the shore of East Pasture. A welcoming sign as you enter Aquinnah.
Lisa Bibko Vanderhoop will be at the Christmas in Edgartown Arts & Crafts Fair at the Edgartown School from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomorrow. Lisa will be selling her Vineyard Sea Dogs 2012 calendar and many of the individual sea dogs photographs as greeting cards.
Twelve members of the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Class of 1964 met for dinner at the Wharf on Friday evening. Those in attendance included Patricia Scott Albee, Wendy Andrews, Pamela Brown, Shirley Medeiros Donaroma, Judith Swartz Jardin, Bertha (Bertie) Viera Madeiras, Carol Magee, Barbara Thomas Murphy, Barbara (Sundy) Smith Previant, Constance Athearn Taylor, Angela Waldron and yours truly. There was lots of joy and laughter as we discussed our families (especially aging parents and grandchildren,) our retirements or full-time positions, our VTA bus and SSA ferry passes, Medicare and supplementary insurance, our work in each of our respective communities across the Vineyard and plans for our next adventure. We recounted fond memories of our teachers, especially Elliot Knight, Bruce Littlefield, John Mayhew and Ralph Snow, and hope others will attend the 50th reunion with us. All those years ago, we would have never imagined such topics of conversation. We had an enjoyable evening, which was made even more enjoyable by the laughter and frivolity of our Edgartown friends seated across the room from us. Cheers!
Happy 12th anniversary wishes to Leigh and Christy Moreis as they celebrate on Dec. 12.
Happy Birthday wishes to Tamara Buchwald on Dec. 10. Grandson Christopher Manning will party on Dec. 12. Charles Thomas parties on Dec. 13. Ariana Feldberg celebrates on Dec. 16 and shares the day with Douglas Plumer
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