There is a hole in the Red Stocking and everywhere else on Island, too. Barbara Silvia, faithful friend, wife, mother, hard worker, and volunteer, died last week and I did not know as we went to press. How much fun I had with her over the years! She was always smiling, always laughing, always bubbly. Barbara worked so hard for the Red Stocking Fund, only one of her many charities. Our sympathy to her family, friends and indeed, all of us.
Congratulations to newly 15-year-old Samia Arado, who celebrated in style last Saturday night at the Chilmark Community Center. The party for approximately 150 guests was hosted by her parents, Marcos and Solimar. I have known Samia since she was five! I hear she looked beautiful and I am only sorry I was sick and could not be there to celebrate.
Dorothy Bangs wants me to let you know that tomorrow at the First Baptist Church there will be a Christmas Tea and Sale open to all. Grown-ups get in for $7, kids enter for $4. The time is from 2 to 4 p.m. I’ll see you there.
Featherstone Center for the Arts reminds me that their ninth annual holiday show and sale runs daily through Sunday, Dec. 18 from noon to 4 p.m. Gifts made by Island artists go from $5 to $250.
The Louisa Gould Gallery at 54 Main street is hosting a holiday party tomorrow from noon to 4 p.m. with treats and refreshments. Much of the art work is 20 per cent off, most of it is by Island artists. I’ll tell you, Louisa certainly knows how to throw a party!
If you missed Sheldon Hackney’s letter about the Martha’s Vineyard Museum, you may contribute by sending a gift to MVM, P.O.Box 1310, Edgartown, MA 02539, or by calling 508-627-4441, ext. 117. Sheldon is one of the hard workers on the board of directors for this worthy cause.
Get well wishes go out to Germany for Uta’s mother, Ernalise Kloss.
Dick and Lorraine Clark celebrate their anniversary on Dec. 18.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Grainne Whelan today. Tomorrow is a party for Courtney Collins, Lyrae Littlefield, Mary Kelly and Charlie Ashmun. Dec. 18 is shared by Jamie Warrington and Injy Farat Lew. Dec. 19 belongs to Ron Jackson. Dec. 20 is for Susan Woods and Carissa Noel Doup. Dec. 21 is claimed by Cathy Weiss. And on Dec. 22 Stephen Dunham, Sr., Monica Radoszewski, John Giles and Sally Benson take the cake. Many happy returns.
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