Raine Monast


For the past three winters, Saturday mornings at Alley’s have been my domain. There’s a loose, unrecorded schedule to that 7 a.m. to noon slot. First comes a hodgepodge of half-asleep working men, filling their coffee cups with all the enthusiasm of one whose brain assumes they’re still in bed. Then come early-rising retirees with chipper attitudes who somehow spur both envy and fear in me. How is it possible for someone to be that awake and full of zest for life when I’m here, before sunup, working retail?

At about 11 a.m., John Alley will get some coffee of his own, find a way to compare me negatively with my father, then retreat into his “mail cave.” Little does he know that every time he tries to tease me about Dad’s and my resemblance, the volume on his 1940s-era music goes one notch lower. Keep in mind, John, the power that I hold.

But I digress. Around the time that John arrives, the full variety of customers will make their way into the building . . . all at once. That store can fill up and empty out so quickly I swear the moon has a tidal pull on it. These days as the warmth of late spring approaches, those currents have turned into riptides and people flock to this hot spot upon which we’ve found residence. We’re getting to that time of year where I’m but a “local,” our wall of mailboxes is “quaint” and “Aquinnah’s totally within walking distance.”

Despite my cynicism, there is a sweet innocence to the wonderment of our visitors. I, for one, have a tendency to take this beautiful place for granted, but to those with infinite sources of entertainment, it must be utter magic. Sitting in this part of town, then catching the bus to go sit in that part is still fresh to them. But as a teenager about to go to college, I gotta say, my legs are gettin’ a bit restless.

Tom Hodgson and Christine Gault have returned from a week on Sanibel Island, Fla. They spent time birding, beaching, shelling and visiting friends. Christine grew up on Sanibel, before there was a bridge to the island. While they were there, Christine was interviewed by the Sanibel Historical Preservation Committee about life on Sanibel in the 1950s and 1960s.

Ann Rosenkranz urges everyone to “Come to a very special event with our state Sen. Dan Wolf and Rep. Tim Madden to celebrate the passing of a resolution supporting their efforts to get big money out of politics. At our recent annual town meeting, voters passed a resolution to support Wolf and Madden’s commitment to this initiative. So did all the other towns on the Island.

“A short ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 12 at 10:45 a.m. at the West Tisbury Library. It will be a festive occasion with the public, selectmen and county commissioners!”

Happy birthday to Shane Fisher and Todd Murtha today; Beverly Mazza, Liza Williamson and Daniel Benedetto tomorrow; Rufus Peebles, Martha Hubbell and Janice Paul on Sunday; Brendan O’Neill, Susan Hopkins, Kitty Murphy and Jason Napior on Monday; Earl Dean, Julie Meling and Everett Whiting on Tuesday; Muriel Bye, Robert Kimberly, Catherine Hoffman and James Taylor on Wednesday and Donna Goldfein and Eric Bates on Thursday. A happy 30th wedding anniversary to David and Eleanor Stanwood on Sunday.

Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news call or e-mail John Alley at alleys@vineyard.net.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there and have a great week.