Kathie Case
We are still in our transition mode for weather. One day we are in shorts, the next day we need sweatshirts. But it looks like we are going to get the summer weather sooner than later so we just have to be patient.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Gabriella Silva Carlos and Eleanor Hyland who celebrated their day June 14, and to Jackson Crocker, Julia Crocker and Owen Hess who all celebrate their day today, June 15.
Once again, Facebook has come through with the pictures. There were a lot of posts of the graduates and their very proud parents. It was a beautiful day for all those involved.
Pat Tyra and her husband Harold Bauld are back in town and have already had their first overnight guest, daughter Robin, who came to “check up on, or is it check in with,” her dad, whom she had not seen since last October. Pat reports that she is looking forward to her volunteer work again this summer at the Museum, and both are anticipating those great weekly lunches at The Anchors. Joan Reeves will be arriving on Friday for her usual summer rental at the Tyra house on Planting Field Way. So gradually the homes on Planting Field Way and Shurtleff Way are filling up for the summer.
The second annual Solstice Celebration at Featherstone’s outdoor stage, will be June 20 from 6 to 8 p.m. Bring a picnic, the family and a poem to share and also hear featured poets Ellie Bates, Marianne Goldberg, Jill Jupen, Clark Meyers, Barbara Peckham, Brooks Robards and Annette Sandrock. Poets and musicians, William Waterway and Michael West, will also perform. Lizzy Bradley and Mark Mazer will entertain with vocals and guitar music.
Bruce Doten will present a travelogue of Normandy, Brittany and Paris on Friday, June 22, at 7 p.m. at the Federated Church Parish House on 45 South Summer street. Admission is free, and all are welcome.
Adult and Community Education of Martha’s Vineyard is offering a ServSafe Sanitation Training and certification class starting June 20 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School. Long time educator Alice Robinson will offer five classes for certification and one class for re-certification plus an extra class for the exam on June 28.
Thanks to a grant from MiM (Massachusetts in Motion), a small scholarship is available for low-income people, nonprofit and service organizations, schools and people who work with restaurants or servers of locally or regionally grown food. For details and registration see: acemv.org, or call 774-310-1131 or e-mail lynn.acemv.org.
It is that time of the year when kids are skipping to school, as Friday is basically the last day. The eighth grade graduation is Friday and then Monday is Field Day, so kids, don’t forget your bathing suits. Parents, don’t forget that Tuesday is a half-day of school. Then summer is officially on.
I hope you all have a great summer and congratulations to the eighth grade class. Here is to many happy days in high school. We are all very proud of you.
Happy Father’s Day to all you special men out there. May your day be full of sports, naps and family time.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
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