The weekend weather was superb. The Father’s Day weather forecast for Sunday is for a reasonably good day, but dad will relax at least for one day, no matter what the weather is. Also he will not have to clean up after dinner even if it is a backyard cookout. The summer season officially begins on Tuesday. The VTA buses will be operating on the full summer schedule beginning next Saturday. School will be dismissed for the summer at noon on Tuesday.
Ann Howes of Tiasquam Road, reports that Steven Doane, his wife Rosanne and their son Nathan are visiting. Also visiting his parents, Richard and Martha Doane of New Lane, are their daughter Deborah and Scott Douthit from Arizona.
Steve Lohman and his wife Jenifer Strachan of Waldron’s Bottom Road returned home last week from a business trip to New Orleans. They had spent several weeks there.
The park and recreation committee reports that Lambert’s Cove Beach stickers will be available starting tomorrow at the shed at the West Tisbury School tennis courts, daily from 9 a.m. to noon and Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 4 to 7 p.m. Stickers are $50, and a walk-on pass is $10. The beach opens with lifeguards next Saturday. Swim lessons will begin July 9 and they are excited to offer a new basketball program for grades one through eight, also beginning July 9. Registration forms are available at the shed or at the town hall. For information call 508-696-0147.
Herb Ward of the Federated Church reports that the church marked the 68th Anniversary of D-Day last Wednesday. Bruce Doten will present a travelogue of Normandy, Brittany and Paris on Friday evening, June 22, at 7 p.m. at the Federated Church Parish House in Edgartown. Admission is free.
If it’s mid-June, it’s strawberry time in West Tisbury! Volunteers at the First Congregational Church are getting ready to slice hundreds of pounds of fresh berries next Saturday morning. The event will be held from noon to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome to sit and be refreshed in the shade of the trees. This annual fund-raising event benefits the historic church, which also serves as a community home for several nonprofit Island organizations.
The annual Howes House painters’ art show and sale is next Friday and Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This year’s show includes watercolors by Ann Howes, Susan Silva, Sue Tonrey, Nancy Holt, Sally Flood, Else Membrane, Susan Boas and Nancy Cabot. Admission is free; refreshments will be served.
Best-selling author Richard North Patterson will headline the Speakeasy series on Wednesday at State Road Restaurant in collaboration with the West Tisbury Library Foundation. Mr. Patterson will discuss his most recent novel, Fall from Grace, a family drama set on Martha’s Vineyard.
Jennifer Tseng over at the library reports that on Wednesday at 6 p.m. the library will host the Martha’s Vineyard Breast Cancer Support Group. Please join the group for casual conversation and informal exchange of information with other breast cancer survivors.
Thanks to a grant from Massachusetts in Motion, a small scholarship is available for low-income people, nonprofit and service organizations, schools, and people who work with restaurants or servers of locally or regionally-grown food. For details and registration call 774-310-1131 or email
The origin of Father’s Day dates to near the beginning of the last century. President Calvin Coolidge made it a national day and President Lyndon Johnson signed it into law with a presidential proclamation. Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there.
On June 15, 1942, John Palmeira, air raid warden and chairman of civil defense, issued an order to all motorists driving at night that required them to use only their parking lights on all roads leading south off the Edgartown Road. Sector wardens walked in their assigned areas to make sure blackout screens were in place in all homes at night.
Happy birthday to Joyce Currier, Lollie Nabors, Cynthia Riggs and Fred Barron today; Mike Diaz, Ruth Campbell, James Airasian and Anne Fischer tomorrow; two special women from Webster, Donna Annese and Deborah Kokernak, Leslie Baker, Don Rogers Erin Rathmell and Benjamin Golfein on Sunday; Maggie Barron, Peter Eldridge and Randi Baird on Monday; Debra Levesque, Marjory Potts and Sarah Montrowl on Tuesday; Danyon Russell and Donna Eldridge on Wednesday and Dawne Charters and Luke Bartkus on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Minor Knight, Albie Scott and Leslie Gray. Belated anniversary greetings to Carey and Abby Rosenthal and John and Elizabeth Churchill.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news, please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
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