The family of a well-regarded avid sailor this week formally announced the establishment of a scholarship in his name, the Donald Rappaport Legacy Scholarship. Mr. Rappaport, 84, died a year ago on August 12. His home was in Washington, D.C. and he spent many summers sailing on the Vineyard. While he was very accomplished in his service to the federal government as a former chief financial officer and chief information officer of the U.S. Department of Education under President Bill Clinton, he was best known as a renaissance man, especially here, on the waters of the Vineyard. He was a member of the Vineyard Haven Yacht Club and sailed a boat called Jullani from the Vineyard down to the Caribbean.

The intent of the fund is to give a scholarship from time to time to a Vineyard student pursuing higher education in the nautical or maritime field. It will be administered by Sail Martha’s Vineyard, a nonprofit organization committed to sailing and maritime instruction for all ages. The announcement was made Sunday at a gathering of the organization in Tisbury.

Attending the reception were Mr. Rappaport’s widow, Susan, the Rappaports’ three daughters Nina, Laura and Julie and their children. Family and friends gathered along with Sail Martha’s Vineyard personnel to share touching stories about the missed sailor. Hope Callen, administrator, said: “It was a warm reception.”