Friday, August 10: Mostly cloudy. Warm and damp. Oak Bluffs waterfront is bustling with activity, boats, crowds, and cars. Clouds darken in the afternoon. Tornado warning is issued by the National Weather Service, in the midafternoon. Non observed. Rain falls well into the early evening, sometimes heavy.

Saturday, August 11: Mostly cloudy. Occasional periods of sunshine. Eight 12 metre sailboats race outside of Edgartown Harbor. Breezy. Racing is tight. South wind.

Sunday, August 12: South wind shifts to southwest. Stormy on the waters of Nantucket Sound. Large swells. Drizzle in the afternoon. Big brief shower.

Monday, August 13: Clear blue skies in the morning. Dry air. Colorful clothes on the line in Edgartown. Roses in bloom. Daylilies bloom along a white picket fence in downtown Edgartown. Memorial Wharf is a popular resting spot in downtown Edgartown. Young anglers hang their fishing rods over the wharf.

Tuesday, August 14: Mostly sunny. Idyllic August summer day. Perfect beach day at the Joseph Sylvia Beach. The long shoreline is decorated with colorful beach umbrellas and towels. Swimmers wade in the water. A catboat sails into Edgartown harbor in the late afternoon. Light breeze. Perfect afternoon sailing day. Schooner Alabama returns to Vineyard Haven harbor under full sail, well after sunset, in the gray of early evening. Threatening clouds on the horizon. Partly cloudy.

Wednesday, August 15: Mostly overcast in the morning. Dark cumulus clouds hang low along the northwestern horizon and move briskly eastward. A line of showers passes over the Vineyard mid-morning. Warm rain. Gradual clearing. Sunshine at noon. Blue skies in the early afternoon. Humid. Grapevines in a Vineyard Haven backyard are drooping, loaded with juicy purple grapes. Threat of showers postpones Illumination Night in Oak Bluffs. Thundershowers late.

Thursday, August 16: Considerably cooler and drier. Partly sunny skies overhead. Holes in the clouds reveal deep blue skies.
