Friday, August 17: Mostly sunny, a hot summer afternoon. High altitude clouds drift in from the west. A light breeze over the water. Late in the day thousands are seated at Ocean Park and enjoy first the Vineyard Haven Band. At dusk children dance around the bandstand. Spectacularfireworks over the Oak Bluffs outer harbor. Cloudy night.
Saturday, August 18: Rolling thunder. Vivid pink lightning. Shower in the morning. A pleasant summer day at the Agricultural Society fair in West Tisbury. From the midway there is carnival music, the noise of hundreds of youthful voices, and the smell of hot candy, under mostly cloudy skies. Clouds darken in the late afternoon. Rain after dinner.
Sunday, August 19: A damp northeast breeze lightens in the late morning. Wind picks up in the afternoon, under overcast skies. Fishing boats speed in and out of Edgartown harbor.
Monday, August 20: Mostly sunny. Lawnmowers sing in downtown Edgartown. High-pitched hedge clippers sing. Bright cosmos decorate the edge of a large garden nearby.
Tuesday, August 21: A cool late summer morning. Heavy dew on the ground. The temperature starts in the low 60s. Temperature rises to the 80s. Light breeze on the water. Clouds increase in the afternoon. Western horizon carries a narrow band of pink, post sunset colors.
Wednesday, August 22: Sunny. Excellent visibility across Nantucket Sound. High flying cirrus clouds in early afternoon. Hot. Temperature in the low 80s. Light southerly breeze. Stars shine amid a thin veil of clouds. A crescent moon hugs close to the southwestern horizon.
Thursday, August 23: Hazy morning sunshine. The air is still. Dew on a freshly tilled field at Morning Glory Farm in Edgartown. Gardens are lush with greenery. Lettuce is ready for picking in an open field on the road to Katama.
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