

The holiday weekend weather was not the greatest we have ever had, fall-like in the evenings but mostly cloudy and rainy. It was busy, with yard sales just about everywhere in town. Sunset, regrettably, is now around 6 p.m. and earlier each day. Pumpkins and Halloween decorations grace many front lawns around town and it is almost time to shut off outside water taps and put away garden hoses for the winter. Leaves have begun to turn. Friends and family of Soo Whiting gathered this past Saturday night at the Quenames farmhouse to celebrate her 70th birthday! Over 100 guests were treated to pulled pork, local lamb and other potluck delights. Soo and her husband Flip and the birthday guests danced the night away under a big white tent to nostalgic music by The Stragglers and the Chickiebabies. It was a wonderful meeting of old friends that gathered for the special occasion. Allen and Lynne Whiting recently returned home after two weeks in Utah visiting family and friends. Lynne’s mother, Mary Erickson, was thrilled to have their company. Her sister Lori’s family was happy to have their help during Lori’s recovery from hip surgery. Lynne and Allen report that it was hot and dry in the Salt Lake valley, so they are enjoying the present moisture in town.

Tara Whiting, town clerk, reminds anyone wishing to register to vote in the presidential election to do so by Oct. 17. Absentee ballots are available.

The correct date for the Vineyard Gardens annual harvest festival is Saturday, Oct. 20 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be refreshments, crafts and activities. Also throughout the day there will be garden and nursery tours. For more information call 508-693-8511.

Jennifer Tseng over at the library reports that the library will be moving to temporary headquarters across from Conroy’s on Monday. The free Monday night movies will move to the Chilmark library. Tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. the library will be giving away nearly all the plants in the landscape surrounding the library. Bring a shovel. They have grasses, butterfly bush, sedums and many other beautiful plants that need a new home.

A social note from the past. On Oct. 12, 1946 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Newhall, of San Francisco, Calif., who had spent several months at their home opposite Brandy Brow on South Road departed for home. Their daughter Miss Jane Newhall, who joined them for a vacation, will be accompanying them back home. Happy birthday to: Lisa Amols, Art Nelson, Bob Eisendrath Sherri Church, Tibor Vadasz, and Jessica Kelleher today; David Finkelstein, Steve Atwood, Noah Block, Carly Look and Margot Parrot tomorrow; Jeanne Borggaard, Rhonda Hersey, Samantha Gibson and Shelia Rayyan on Sunday; Geoff Borr, Fanny Howe, Jon Nelson 3rd, Eleanor Rodegast, Steven Barbee and Emily Dwyer on Monday; Edmund Mossey, Shelia Sawyer and Paul Lazes on Tuesday; Richard Reinhardsen, Polly Bassett, Kate Hubbell and Karen Francis on Wednesday; Kendra Yale, Cynthia Walsh and Gail Tipton on Thursday. Belated anniversary greetings to Peter and Karen Socorelis also Dan Herbert and Maki Crum. Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s edition. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.